U0 GridInit() {//Init mouse grid struct. See ::/Demo/Graphics/Grid.CC. mouse_grid.x = mouse_grid.y = mouse_grid.z = 8; mouse_grid.x_offset = mouse_grid.y_offset = mouse_grid.z_offset = 0; mouse_grid.x_speed = mouse_grid.y_speed = mouse_grid.z_speed = 1; mouse_grid.show = mouse_grid.snap = mouse_grid.coord = FALSE; } U0 MouseUpdate(I64 x, I64 y, I64 z, Bool l, Bool r) { mouse.presnap.x = ToI64(mouse.scale.x * x) + mouse.offset.x; mouse.presnap.y = ToI64(mouse.scale.y * y) + mouse.offset.y; mouse.presnap.z = ToI64(mouse.scale.z * z) + mouse.offset.z; if (mouse_grid.snap) { mouse.pos.x = Trunc(mouse.presnap.x / mouse_grid.x) * mouse_grid.x + mouse_grid.x_offset; mouse.pos.y = Trunc(mouse.presnap.y / mouse_grid.y) * mouse_grid.y + mouse_grid.y_offset; mouse.pos.z = Trunc(mouse.presnap.z / mouse_grid.z) * mouse_grid.z + mouse_grid.z_offset; } else { mouse.pos.x = mouse.presnap.x; mouse.pos.y = mouse.presnap.y; mouse.pos.z = mouse.presnap.z; } mouse.pos.x = ClampI64(mouse.pos.x, 0, sys_vbe_mode.width - 1); mouse.pos.y = ClampI64(mouse.pos.y, 0, sys_vbe_mode.height - 1); mouse.pos_text.x = mouse.pos.x / FONT_WIDTH; if (mouse.pos_text.x >= text.cols) { mouse.pos_text.x = text.cols - 1; mouse.pos.x = text.cols * FONT_WIDTH - 1; } mouse.pos_text.y = mouse.pos.y / FONT_HEIGHT; if (mouse.pos_text.y >= text.rows) { mouse.pos_text.y = text.rows - 1; mouse.pos.y = text.rows * FONT_HEIGHT - 1; } mouse.lb = l; mouse.rb = r; LBEqual(&kbd.scan_code, SCf_MS_L_DOWN, mouse.lb); LBEqual(&kbd.scan_code, SCf_MS_R_DOWN, mouse.rb); } U0 MouseSet(I64 x=I64_MAX, I64 y=I64_MAX, I64 z=I64_MAX, I64 l=I64_MAX, I64 r=I64_MAX) {//Note: Generates a message. See MouseSet(). if (!(0 <= x < sys_vbe_mode.width)) x = mouse.pos.x; if (!(0 <= y < sys_vbe_mode.height)) y = mouse.pos.y; if (z == I64_MAX) z = mouse.pos.z; if (!(FALSE <= l <= TRUE)) l = mouse.lb; if (!(FALSE <= r <= TRUE)) r = mouse.rb; x = (x - mouse.offset.x) / mouse.scale.x; y = (y - mouse.offset.y) / mouse.scale.y; z = (z - mouse.offset.z) / mouse.scale.z; MouseUpdate(x, y, z, l, r); MouseHardSet(x, y, z, l, r); } U0 MouseInit() { MemSet(&mouse, 0, sizeof(CMouseStateGlobals)); MemSet(&mouse_last, 0, sizeof(CMouseStateGlobals)); mouse.offset.x = mouse.offset.y = mouse.offset.z = 0; mouse.scale.x = mouse.scale.y = mouse.scale.z = 1.0; mouse.pos_text.x = mouse.pos_text.y = mouse.pos_text.z = 0; mouse.has_wheel = FALSE; mouse.show = TRUE; mouse.speed = 0; mouse.timestamp = TSCGet; mouse.dbl_time = 0.175; GridInit; } U0 MouseHardPacketRead() { U8 j; if (TSCGet > mouse_hard.timestamp + counts.time_stamp_freq >> 3) FifoU8Flush(mouse_hard.fifo); mouse_hard.timestamp = TSCGet; FifoU8Insert(mouse_hard.fifo, InU8(KBD_PORT)); if (FifoU8Count(mouse_hard.fifo) == mouse_hard.pkt_size) while (FifoU8Remove(mouse_hard.fifo, &j)) FifoU8Insert(mouse_hard.fifo2, j); } interrupt U0 IRQMouseHard() { CLD OutU8(PIC_2, PIC_EOI); OutU8(PIC_1, PIC_EOI); mouse_hard.irqs_working = TRUE; if (mouse_hard.install_in_progress || !mouse_hard.installed) { kbd.reset = TRUE; return; } MouseHardPacketRead; } U0 MouseHardGetType() { I64 b; KbdMouseCmdAck(0xF2); b = KbdCmdRead; if (b == 3) mouse_hard.has_wheel = TRUE; else if (b == 4) mouse_hard.has_ext_bttns = TRUE; } Bool MouseHardReset() { U8 b, *_b; F64 timeout; Bool res = FALSE; mouse_hard.has_wheel = FALSE; mouse_hard.has_ext_bttns = FALSE; if (*0x40E(U16 *) == 0x9FC0) { _b = 0x9FC00+0x30; *_b = 1; //This enables Terry's mouse. It might be for one machine. //USB DMA packets, set-up by BIOS to make legacy PS/2? } try { KbdCmdFlush; KbdCmdSend(KBD_CTRL, 0xAD); //Disable Kbd KbdCmdSend(KBD_CTRL, 0xA8); //Enable Mouse KbdMouseCmdAck(0xFF); //Reset timeout = tS + 10.0; do try { KbdCmdRead; timeout = 0; //force exit } catch Fs->catch_except = TRUE; while (tS < timeout); try KbdCmdRead; catch Fs->catch_except = TRUE; KbdMouseCmdAck(0xF3, 200, 0xF3, 100, 0xF3, 80); MouseHardGetType; KbdMouseCmdAck(0xF3, 10); MouseHardGetType; KbdMouseCmdAck(0xE8, 0x03, 0xE6, 0xF3, 100, 0xF4); res = TRUE; //Enable IRQ 12 KbdCmdSend(KBD_CTRL, 0x20); b = KbdCmdRead; KbdCmdSend(KBD_CTRL, 0x60); KbdCmdSend(KBD_PORT, (b | 2) & ~0x20); } catch Fs->catch_except = TRUE; //This is been added to override failure //because the mouse sometimes still works. res = TRUE; try KbdCmdSend(KBD_CTRL, 0xAE); //Enable Keyboard catch Fs->catch_except = TRUE; if (mouse_hard.has_wheel || mouse_hard.has_ext_bttns) mouse_hard.pkt_size = 4; else mouse_hard.pkt_size = 3; if (!res) try KbdCmdSend(KBD_CTRL, 0xA7); //Disable Mouse catch Fs->catch_except = TRUE; return res; } U0 MouseHardSpeedSet() { I64 dd, tmp; if ((dd = SqrI64(mouse_hard_last.pos.x - mouse_hard.pos.x) + SqrI64(mouse_hard_last.pos.y - mouse_hard.pos.y)) && (tmp = mouse_hard.timestamp - mouse_hard_last.timestamp)) mouse_hard.speed = Sqrt(dd) * counts.time_stamp_freq / tmp; mouse_hard_last.timestamp = mouse_hard.timestamp; } U0 MouseHardSetPre() { I64 old_timestamp = mouse_hard_last.timestamp; MemCopy(&mouse_hard_last, &mouse_hard, sizeof(CMouseHardStateGlobals)); mouse_hard_last.timestamp = old_timestamp; } U0 MouseHardSetPost() { I64 i; mouse_hard.pos.x = mouse_hard.prescale.x * mouse_hard.scale.x * mouse_grid.x_speed; mouse_hard.pos.y = mouse_hard.prescale.y * mouse_hard.scale.y * mouse_grid.y_speed; mouse_hard.pos.z = mouse_hard.prescale.z * mouse_hard.scale.z * mouse_grid.z_speed; i = Trunc(mouse.scale.x * mouse_hard.pos.x / mouse_grid.x) * mouse_grid.x + mouse.offset.x; //TODO mouse_grid.x_offset? if (i < 0) mouse.offset.x -= i; else if (i >= sys_vbe_mode.width) mouse.offset.x += sys_vbe_mode.width - 1 - i; i = Trunc(mouse.scale.y * mouse_hard.pos.y / mouse_grid.y) * mouse_grid.y + mouse.offset.y; if (i < 0) mouse.offset.y -= i; else if (i >= sys_vbe_mode.height) mouse.offset.y += sys_vbe_mode.height - 1 - i; if (mouse_hard.pos.x != mouse_hard_last.pos.x || mouse_hard.pos.y != mouse_hard_last.pos.y || mouse_hard.pos.z != mouse_hard_last.pos.z) { mouse_hard.event = TRUE; MouseHardSpeedSet; } else for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (mouse_hard.bttns[i] != mouse_hard_last.bttns[i]) { mouse_hard.event = TRUE; break; } } U0 MouseHardHandler() { I64 i, dx, dy, dz; U8 mouse_buf[4]; MouseHardSetPre; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) mouse_buf[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < mouse_hard.pkt_size; i++) if (!FifoU8Remove(mouse_hard.fifo2, &mouse_buf[i])) mouse_buf[i] = 0; mouse_hard.bttns[0] = mouse_buf[0] & 1; mouse_hard.bttns[1] = (mouse_buf[0] & 2) >> 1; mouse_hard.bttns[2] = (mouse_buf[0] & 4) >> 2; mouse_hard.bttns[3] = (mouse_buf[3] & 0x10) >> 4; mouse_hard.bttns[4] = (mouse_buf[3] & 0x20) >> 5; if (mouse_buf[0] & 0x10) dx = mouse_buf[1]-256; else dx = mouse_buf[1]; if (mouse_buf[0] & 0x20) dy = 256 - mouse_buf[2]; else dy = -mouse_buf[2]; if (mouse_buf[3] & 0x08) dz = mouse_buf[3] & 7 - 8; else dz = mouse_buf[3] & 7; mouse_hard.prescale.x += dx; mouse_hard.prescale.y += dy; mouse_hard.prescale.z += dz; MouseHardSetPost; } U0 MouseHardSet(I64 x, I64 y, I64 z, I64 l, I64 r) { mouse_hard.timestamp = TSCGet; MouseHardSetPre; mouse_hard.prescale.x = x / mouse_hard.scale.x / mouse_grid.x_speed; mouse_hard.prescale.y = y / mouse_hard.scale.y / mouse_grid.y_speed; mouse_hard.prescale.z = z / mouse_hard.scale.z / mouse_grid.z_speed; mouse_hard.bttns[0] = l; mouse_hard.bttns[1] = r; MouseHardSetPost; } U0 KbdMouseReset() { KbdCmdFlush; FifoU8Flush(kbd.fifo2); FifoU8Flush(mouse_hard.fifo2); FifoI64Flush(kbd.scan_code_fifo); kbd.scan_code = 0; kbd.reset = FALSE; } Bool MouseHardEnable(Bool val=TRUE) { Bool old_val = mouse_hard.enabled; if (val) { KbdCmdSend(KBD_CTRL, KBDC_ENABLE_MS); mouse_hard.enabled = TRUE; } else { KbdCmdSend(KBD_CTRL, KBDC_DISABLE_MS); mouse_hard.enabled = FALSE; } return old_val; } Bool MouseHardDriverInstall(I64 dummy=0) //can be spawned { no_warn dummy; I64 i; mouse_hard.install_in_progress = TRUE; OutU8(PIC_2_DATA, InU8(PIC_2_DATA) | 0x10); mouse_hard.installed = mouse_hard.irqs_working = FALSE; IntEntrySet(0x2C, &IRQMouseHard); for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) mouse_hard.bttns[i] = 0; if (i = MouseHardReset) OutU8(PIC_2_DATA, InU8(PIC_2_DATA) & ~0x10); KbdMouseReset; mouse_hard.install_attempts++; mouse_hard.installed = mouse_hard.event=i; mouse_hard.install_in_progress = FALSE; return mouse_hard.installed; } U0 KbdMouseHandler(Bool poll_kbd, Bool poll_mouse) { if (mouse_hard.install_in_progress) { Yield; return; } if (kbd.reset) KbdMouseReset; else { if (poll_mouse && mouse_hard.installed && !mouse_hard.irqs_working) { PUSHFD CLI while (InU8(KBD_CTRL) & 1) MouseHardPacketRead; POPFD } if (poll_kbd) while (InU8(KBD_CTRL) & 1) KbdPacketRead; if (kbd.reset) KbdMouseReset; else { while (FifoU8Count(kbd.fifo2)) KbdHandler; while (FifoU8Count(mouse_hard.fifo2)) if (mouse_hard.installed) MouseHardHandler; else KbdMouseReset; } } } U0 KbdMouseInit() { MemSet(&kbd, 0, sizeof(CKbdStateGlobals)); kbd.fifo = FifoU8New(8); kbd.fifo2 = FifoU8New(0x1000); kbd.scan_code_fifo = FifoI64New(0x1000); kbd.irqs_working = FALSE; MemSet(&mouse_hard, 0, sizeof(CMouseHardStateGlobals)); mouse_hard.enabled = TRUE; mouse_hard.fifo = FifoU8New(8); mouse_hard.fifo2 = FifoU8New(0x1000); mouse_hard.scale.x = 0.5; mouse_hard.scale.y = 0.5; mouse_hard.scale.z = 1.0; mouse_hard.prescale.x = sys_vbe_mode.width / mouse_hard.scale.x / 2.0; mouse_hard.prescale.y = sys_vbe_mode.height / mouse_hard.scale.y / 2.0; mouse_hard.prescale.z = 0 / mouse_hard.scale.z; mouse_hard.pos.x = sys_vbe_mode.width >> 1; mouse_hard.pos.y = sys_vbe_mode.height >> 1; MemCopy(&mouse_hard_last, &mouse_hard, sizeof(CMouseHardStateGlobals)); }