I64 FSize(CFile *f)
{//Report size of opened file in bytes.
    if (f)
        return f->de.size;
        return 0;

CFile *FOpen(U8 *filename, U8 *flags, I64 count=0)
{//Allows flags "r","w","w+". "c" for contiguous.
//(It uses StrOcc() for 'w', 'r', '+', 'c')
    CFile       *f = CAlloc(sizeof(CFile));
    CDirContext *dirc;
    U8          *full_name;
    Bool         contiguous = StrOcc(flags, 'c');

    f->clus = INVALID_CLUS;
    f->fblk_num = 0;
    if (count > 0)
        f->max_blk = count - 1;
        f->max_blk = I64_MAX;
    f->file_clus_num = INVALID_CLUS;
    full_name = FileNameAbs(filename);
    f->drive = Letter2Drive(*full_name);
    if (f->drive->fs_type == FSt_REDSEA)
        contiguous = TRUE;
    if (contiguous)
        f->flags |= FF_CONTIGUOUS;
        if (f->drive->fs_type != FSt_REDSEA && !(FileAttr(filename) & RS_ATTR_CONTIGUOUS))
    f->clus_buf = CAlloc(f->drive->spc << BLK_SIZE_BITS);
    if (StrOcc(flags, 'w'))
        f->flags = f->flags | FF_WRITE | FF_NEEDS_WRITE;
        if (StrOcc(flags, '+'))
            if (FileFind(full_name, &f->de, FUF_JUST_FILES))
                if (contiguous)
                    f->max_blk = (FSize(f) + BLK_SIZE - 1) >> BLK_SIZE_BITS - 1;
                return f;
            Del(full_name,,, FALSE);
        f->de.full_name = full_name;
        f->flags |= FF_NEW_FILE;
        if (dirc = DirContextNew(full_name))
            StrCopy(f->de.name, dirc->mask);
            if (count > 0)
            {//We pre-alloc the whole thing.
                f->de.clus = ClusAlloc(f->drive,0, (count + f->drive->spc - 1) / f->drive->spc, contiguous);
                f->de.size = count << BLK_SIZE_BITS;
                DirNew(dirc->drive, Fs->cur_dir, &f->de, TRUE);
                f->flags &= ~FF_NEW_FILE;
            return f;
        if (FileFind(full_name, &f->de, FUF_JUST_FILES))
            f->max_blk = (FSize(f) + BLK_SIZE - 1) >> BLK_SIZE_BITS - 1;
            return f;

    return NULL;

U0 FClose(CFile *f)
{//Close CFile, updating directory.
    CDirContext *dirc;

    if (f)
        if (f->flags & FF_BUF_DIRTY)
            ClusWrite(f->drive, f->clus_buf, f->clus, 1);
            f->flags &= ~FF_BUF_DIRTY;
        if (f->flags & FF_NEEDS_WRITE)
            if (dirc = DirContextNew(f->de.full_name))
                if (!(f->flags & FF_USE_OLD_DATETIME))
                    f->de.datetime = Now;
                if (f->flags & FF_NEW_FILE)
                    DirNew(dirc->drive, Fs->cur_dir, &f->de, TRUE);
                    DirNew(dirc->drive, Fs->cur_dir, &f->de, FALSE);

I64 FSetClus(CFile *f, I64 c, I64 blk, Bool read)
    CDrive  *drive = f->drive;
    I64      i;

    if (f->clus != c)
        if (f->flags & FF_BUF_DIRTY)
            i = drive->spc;
            if (f->max_blk != I64_MAX)
                i = f->max_blk + 1 - f->file_clus_num * drive->spc;
                if (i > drive->spc)
                    i = drive->spc;
            ClusBlkWrite(drive, f->clus_buf, f->clus, i);
            f->flags = f->flags & ~FF_BUF_DIRTY;
        f->clus = c;
        f->file_clus_num = blk / drive->spc;
        if (read)
            i = drive->spc;
            if (f->max_blk != I64_MAX)
                i = f->max_blk + 1 - f->file_clus_num * drive->spc;
                if (i > drive->spc)
                    i = drive->spc;
            c = ClusBlkRead(drive, f->clus_buf, c, i);

    return c;

Bool FBlkRead(CFile *f, U8 *buf, I64 blk=FFB_NEXT_BLK, I64 count=1)
{//Read [nth,n+count) blks of file.
    CDrive  *drive = f->drive;
    I64      spc   = drive->spc, i, j, c = f->de.clus;

    if (!f || !drive)
        return FALSE;
    if (blk == FFB_NEXT_BLK)
        blk = f->fblk_num;
    if (blk + count - 1 > f->max_blk)
        return FALSE;
    if (count <= 0)
        return TRUE;

    if (f->flags & FF_CONTIGUOUS)
        BlkRead(drive, buf, Clus2Blk(drive, c) + blk, count);
        blk += count;
        i = blk / spc;
        if (0 <= f->file_clus_num <= i)
            c = f->clus;
            i -= f->file_clus_num;
        if (i > 0)
            c = ClusNumNext(drive, c, i);

        if (i = blk % spc)
            c = FSetClus(f, c, blk, TRUE);
            if (count < spc - i)
                j = count;
                j = spc - i;
            MemCopy(buf, f->clus_buf + i << BLK_SIZE_BITS, j << BLK_SIZE_BITS);
            buf += j << BLK_SIZE_BITS;
            count -= j;
            blk += j;
        while (count >= spc)
            c = FSetClus(f, c, blk, TRUE);
            MemCopy(buf, f->clus_buf, spc << BLK_SIZE_BITS);
            buf += spc << BLK_SIZE_BITS;
            count -= spc;
            blk += spc;
        if (count > 0)
            c = FSetClus(f, c, blk, TRUE);
            MemCopy(buf, f->clus_buf, count << BLK_SIZE_BITS);
            buf += count<<BLK_SIZE_BITS;
            blk += count;
    f->fblk_num = blk;

    return TRUE;

Bool FBlkWrite(CFile *f, U8 *buf, I64 blk=FFB_NEXT_BLK, I64 count=1)
{//Write [nth,n+count) blks of file.
    CDrive  *drive = f->drive;
    I64      spc   = drive->spc, i, j, c = f->de.clus, c1;

    if (!f || !drive)
        return FALSE;
    if (blk == FFB_NEXT_BLK)
        blk = f->fblk_num;
    if (blk + count - 1 > f->max_blk)
        return FALSE;
    if (!(f->flags & FF_WRITE))
        return FALSE;
    if (count <= 0)
        return TRUE;
    if (f->flags & FF_CONTIGUOUS)
        BlkWrite(drive, buf, Clus2Blk(drive, c) + blk, count);
        blk += count;
        if (!c)
            c = ClusAlloc(drive, 0, 1, FALSE);
            f->file_clus_num = 0;
            f->clus = c;
            f->de.clus = c;
            f->flags |= FF_NEEDS_WRITE | FF_NEW_FILE;
        i = blk / spc;
        if (0 <= f->file_clus_num <= i)
            c = f->clus;
            i -= f->file_clus_num;
        while (i > 0)
            c1 = c;
            c = ClusNumNext(drive, c1, 1);
            if (c == INVALID_CLUS)
                c = ClusAlloc(drive, c1, i, FALSE);
                if (i > 1)
                    c = ClusNumNext(drive, c, i - 1);

        if (i = blk % spc)
            FSetClus(f, c, blk, TRUE);
            if (count < spc - i)
                j = count;
                j = spc - i;
            MemCopy(f->clus_buf + BLK_SIZE * i, buf, j << BLK_SIZE_BITS);
            f->flags |= FF_BUF_DIRTY;
            buf += j << BLK_SIZE_BITS;
            count -= j;
            blk += j;
            if (count > 0)
                c1 = c;
                c = ClusNumNext(drive, c1, 1);
                if (c == INVALID_CLUS)
                    c = ClusAlloc(drive, c1, 1, FALSE);
        while (count >= spc)
            FSetClus(f, c, blk, FALSE);
            MemCopy(f->clus_buf, buf, spc << BLK_SIZE_BITS);
            f->flags |= FF_BUF_DIRTY;
            buf += spc << BLK_SIZE_BITS;
            count -= spc;
            blk += spc;
            if (count > 0)
                c1 = c;
                c = ClusNumNext(drive, c1, 1);
                if (c == INVALID_CLUS)
                    c = ClusAlloc(drive, c1, 1, FALSE);
        if (count > 0)
            FSetClus(f, c, blk, TRUE);
            MemCopy(f->clus_buf, buf, count << BLK_SIZE_BITS);
            f->flags |= FF_BUF_DIRTY;
            buf += count << BLK_SIZE_BITS;
            blk += count;
        if (f->de.size < blk << BLK_SIZE_BITS)
            f->de.size = blk << BLK_SIZE_BITS;
    f->fblk_num = blk;

    return TRUE;