CTask *net_log_task = NULL; U0 NetLogTask(I64) { while (TRUE) { Refresh; } } U0 NetLogInit() { net_log_task = Spawn(&ServerCmdLine, NULL, "Network Log"); TaskWait(net_log_task); net_log_task->border_src = BDS_CONST; net_log_task->border_attr = DKGRAY << 4 + LTGRAY; net_log_task->text_attr = WHITE << 4 + LTGRAY; DocClear(net_log_task->border_doc, TRUE); /* if (Fs == sys_task) WinFocus(sys_task->next_task); else WinFocus;*/ WinHorz(TEXT_COLS / 3, 2 * TEXT_COLS / 3, net_log_task); WinVert(2 * TEXT_ROWS / 3, 5 * TEXT_ROWS / 6, net_log_task); WinFocus(net_log_task); DocPrint(net_log_task->put_doc, "$WW+H,1$"); } U0 NetLog(U8 *format, ...) { // Output text to NetLogTask as Log. U8 *buf = StrPrintJoin(NULL, format, argc, argv); DocBottom(net_log_task->put_doc); DocPrint(net_log_task->put_doc, "%s\n", buf); Free(buf); } U0 NetWarn(U8 *format, ...) { // Output text to NetLogTask as Warning. U8 *buf = StrPrintJoin(NULL, format, argc, argv); DocBottom(net_log_task->put_doc); DocPrint(net_log_task->put_doc, "$BG,BROWN$$WHITE$%s$BG$$FG$\n", buf); Free(buf); } U0 NetErr(U8 *format, ...) { // Output text to NetLogTask as Error. U8 *buf = StrPrintJoin(NULL, format, argc, argv); DocBottom(net_log_task->put_doc); DocPrint(net_log_task->put_doc, "$BG,RED$$WHITE$%s$BG$$FG$\n", buf); Free(buf); } U0 NetDebug(U8 *format, ...) { // Output text to NetLogTask as Debug. U8 *buf = StrPrintJoin(NULL, format, argc, argv); DocBottom(net_log_task->put_doc); DocPrint(net_log_task->put_doc, "$BG,YELLOW$$DKGRAY$%s$BG$$FG$\n", buf); Free(buf); } NetLogInit;