/*Done with <CTRL-SHIFT-L> template code that was modified. This is an advanced demo that shows that you can place ctrls on the wall paper. See ::/Demo/Graphics/Slider.CC and ::/Demo/Graphics/WallPaperFish.CC before messing with this program. It must be "System Included". */ #define SLIDER_RANGE 30 #define SLIDER_SPACING 20 #define SLIDER_BORDER 2 class CSliderState { I64 left_pos; I64 right_pos; }; U0 DrawCtrlSlider(CDC *dc, CCtrl *c) { CSliderState *s = c->state; dc->color = LTRED; GrRect(dc, c->left, c->top, SLIDER_SPACING * 3 + 2, SLIDER_SPACING * 2 + SLIDER_RANGE); dc->color = BLUE; GrRect(dc, c->left + SLIDER_BORDER, c->top + SLIDER_BORDER, SLIDER_SPACING * 3 + 2 - 2 * SLIDER_BORDER, SLIDER_SPACING * 2 + SLIDER_RANGE - 2 * SLIDER_BORDER); dc->color = BLACK; GrLine(dc, c->left + 1 * SLIDER_SPACING + 0, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING, c->left + 1 * SLIDER_SPACING + 0, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING + SLIDER_RANGE - 1); GrLine(dc, c->left + 2 * SLIDER_SPACING + 1, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING, c->left + 2 * SLIDER_SPACING + 1, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING + SLIDER_RANGE - 1); dc->color = LTRED; GrPrint(dc, c->left + 1 * SLIDER_SPACING + 0 - FONT_WIDTH / 2, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING + SLIDER_RANGE + 3, "%d", s->left_pos * 10 / SLIDER_RANGE); GrPrint(dc, c->left + 2 * SLIDER_SPACING + 1 - FONT_WIDTH / 2, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING + SLIDER_RANGE+3, "%d", s->right_pos * 10 / SLIDER_RANGE); GrRect(dc, c->left + 1 * SLIDER_SPACING + 0 - 3, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING + SLIDER_RANGE - 1 - s->left_pos - 2, 7, 5); GrRect(dc, c->left + 2 * SLIDER_SPACING + 1 - 3, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING + SLIDER_RANGE - 1 - s->right_pos - 2, 7, 5); dc->color = YELLOW; GrRect(dc, c->left + 1 * SLIDER_SPACING + 0 - 2, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING + SLIDER_RANGE - 1 - s->left_pos - 1, 5, 3); GrRect(dc, c->left + 2 * SLIDER_SPACING + 1 - 2, c->top + SLIDER_SPACING + SLIDER_RANGE - 1 - s->right_pos - 1, 5, 3); } U0 UpdateDerivedCtrlSlider(CCtrl *c) { CSliderState *s = c->state; c->left = c->win_task->pix_width / 2 - (SLIDER_SPACING * 3 + 2) / 2; c->right = c->left + 3 * SLIDER_SPACING + 2; c->top = c->win_task->pix_height / 2 - (SLIDER_SPACING * 2 + SLIDER_RANGE) / 2; c->bottom = c->top + SLIDER_SPACING * 2 + SLIDER_RANGE; s->left_pos = ClampI64(s->left_pos, 0, SLIDER_RANGE -1); s->right_pos = ClampI64(s->right_pos, 0, SLIDER_RANGE -1); } U0 LeftClickSlider(CCtrl *c, I64 x, I64 y, Bool) { CSliderState *s = c->state; if (x < c->left + 1 * SLIDER_SPACING + 0 + SLIDER_SPACING / 2) s->left_pos = SLIDER_RANGE - 1 - (y - (c->top + SLIDER_SPACING)); else s->right_pos = SLIDER_RANGE - 1 - (y - (c->top + SLIDER_SPACING)); if (c->update_derived_vals) (*c->update_derived_vals)(c); } CCtrl *SliderNew() { CCtrl *c; if (Fs != sys_task) { "Must be System Included with SHIFT-F5.\n" "(Would crash when code mem was freed.)\n"; return NULL; } c = ZCAlloc(sizeof(CCtrl)); c->win_task = sys_winmgr_task; c->flags = CTRLF_SHOW | CTRLF_CAPTURE_LEFT_MS; c->type = CTRLT_GENERIC; c->state = ZCAlloc(sizeof(CSliderState)); c->draw_it = &DrawCtrlSlider; c->left_click = &LeftClickSlider; c->update_derived_vals = &UpdateDerivedCtrlSlider; QueueInsert(c, sys_winmgr_task->last_ctrl); TaskDerivedValsUpdate; return c; } U0 SliderDel(CCtrl *c) { QueueRemove(c); Free(c->state); Free(c); } SliderNew;