File Utils File util FilesFind() wildcard mask consists of a single base dir with multiple file masks separated by ';'. The '*' and '? ' wildcard chars are accepted. The '~' is your home directory and '!' indicates an exclusion mask. "/Kernel/*" BaseDir: /Kernel Mask: * "/Demo/*.BMP*;*.GR*" BaseDir: /Demo Mask: *.BMP* | *.GR* "/*.DD*;!*/Bible*" BaseDir: Root Mask: *.DD* but not */Bible* See FilesFindMatch(). Flags are either text or int values. FUF_RECURSE +r Recurse FUF_SINGLE +s Single File (Optimization for one file in mask.) FUF_FLATTEN_TREE +f use with '+F'. Just use +F, probably. FUF_JUST_DIRS +D just directories FUF_JUST_FILES +F just files (Flattens trees) FUF_CLUS_ORDER +O sort by clus (move head one direction) FUF_JUST_TXT +T just text files : FILEMASK_TXT FUF_JUST_DD +$ just DolDoc files : FILEMASK_DD FUF_JUST_SRC +S just src files : FILEMASK_SRC FUF_JUST_AOT +A just aot files : FILEMASK_AOT FUF_JUST_JIT +J just jit files : FILEMASK_JIT FUF_JUST_GR +G just graphic files : FILEMASK_GR See ST_FILE_UTIL_FLAGS when used in calling program taking text flags.