U0 LexPutToken(CCompCtrl *cc) {//Print cur token to StdOut. (Crude) '"'; if (cc->token == TK_IDENT || cc->token == TK_STR) "%s", cc->cur_str; else if (cc->token == TK_I64) "INT:%X", cc->cur_i64; else if (cc->token == TK_CHAR_CONST) "U8:%X", cc->cur_i64; else if (cc->token == TK_F64) "FLOAT:%e", cc->cur_f64; else if (cc->token == '\n') "<NEW_LINE>"; else if (Bt(char_bmp_displayable, cc->token)) '' cc->token; else { "T:%X", cc->token; } "\" "; } U8 *LexPutLine(CCompCtrl *cc, U8 *start) {//Print cur pos to end of line to StdOut. I64 ch; U8 *ptr; if (!start) return NULL; if (cc->lex_include_stack->flags & LFSF_DOC) return DocPutLine(cc->lex_include_stack->doc, start); else { ptr = start; while (ch = *ptr++) { if (ch == '\n') { if (*ptr == '\r') ptr++; break; } else if (ch == '\r') { if (*ptr == '\n') ptr++; break; } '' ch; } if (!ch) ptr--; '\n'; return ptr; } return NULL; } U0 LexPutPos(CCompCtrl *cc) {//Print token, line link and, then, LexPutLine(). LexPutToken(cc); FixSet(cc->lex_include_stack->full_name, cc->lex_include_stack->line_num); if (IsRaw) "%s,%d ", cc->lex_include_stack->full_name, cc->lex_include_stack->line_num; else { PutFileLink(cc->lex_include_stack->full_name,, cc->lex_include_stack->line_num); SysErr("%s,%d\n", cc->lex_include_stack->full_name, cc->lex_include_stack->line_num); '' CH_SPACE; } LexPutLine(cc, cc->lex_include_stack->line_start); } U0 LexWarn(CCompCtrl *cc, U8 *str=NULL) {//Print warn message, then, LexPutPos(). if (str) PrintWarn(str); if (cc->htc.fun) { "in fun '%s'.\n", cc->htc.fun->str; if (IsRaw) "%s\n", cc->htc.fun->src_link; else { "$LK,\"%s\"$\n", cc->htc.fun->src_link; SysErr("%s\n", cc->htc.fun->src_link); } } else LexPutPos(cc); cc->warning_count++; } U0 LexExcept(CCompCtrl *cc, U8 *str=NULL) {//Print error message, LexPutPos() and throw exception. if (!Bt(&sys_run_level, RLf_SYSTEM_SERVER)) { Raw(ON); "Note: Still in boot phase.\n"; } if (str) PrintErr(str); if (!IsRaw) SysErr("Task:%08X %s\n", Fs, str); LexPutPos(cc); cc->error_count++; FlushMessages; if (!Bt(&sys_run_level, RLf_SYSTEM_SERVER)) Debug("Type \"Fix;\""); throw('Compiler'); } U0 UndefinedExtern() { PrintErr("Undefined Extern\nat %P\n", Caller); throw('UndefExt'); } U0 UnusedExternWarning(CCompCtrl *cc, CHashClass *tmpc) { PrintWarn("Unused extern '%s'\n", tmpc->str); cc->warning_count++; } U0 ParenWarning(CCompCtrl *cc) { if (Bt(&cc->opts, OPTf_WARN_PAREN) && !(cc->lex_include_stack->flags & LFSF_DEFINE)) { PrintWarn("Unnecessary parentheses at "); PutFileLink(cc->lex_include_stack->full_name,, cc->lex_include_stack->line_num); '\n'; } } U0 ICClassPut(CHashClass *c) { I64 i; if (!c) return; if (c->ptr_stars_count > 4) { PrintErr("put_class ptrcount=%d\n", c->ptr_stars_count); while (TRUE) //TODO: Yield; } for (i = 0; i < c->ptr_stars_count; i++) '*'; c -= c->ptr_stars_count; if (c->str) "%s", c->str; else { PrintErr("put_class str=NULL\n"); while (TRUE) //TODO: Yield; } '' CH_SPACE; } U0 ICArgPut(CICArg *a, I64 type_pointed_to) { if (type_pointed_to) "[%Z](%Z) %Z ", a->type.raw_type, "ST_RAW_TYPES", type_pointed_to, "ST_RAW_TYPES", Bsr(a->type >> 8) + 1, "ST_TY_TYPES"; else "%Z %Z ", a->type.raw_type, "ST_RAW_TYPES", Bsr(a->type >> 8) + 1, "ST_TY_TYPES"; switch (Bsr(a->type)) { case MDf_STACK: "STACK"; break; case MDf_IMM: "#%X", a->disp; break; case MDf_REG: "%Z", a->reg, "ST_U64_REGS"; break; case MDf_DISP: "%X[%Z]", a->disp, a->reg, "ST_U64_REGS"; break; case MDf_RIP_DISP32: "[%X]", a->disp; break; case MDf_SIB: if (a->disp) "%X", a->disp; if (a->reg == REG_RIP) '['; else "[%Z+", a->reg & 15, "ST_U64_REGS"; "%Z", a->reg >> 8 & 15, "ST_U64_REGS"; switch (a->reg >> 14) { case 0: "]"; break; case 1: "*2]"; break; case 2: "*4]"; break; case 3: "*8]"; break; } break; } '' CH_SPACE; } U0 ICPut(CCompCtrl *cc, CIntermediateCode *tmpi) { I64 opcode = tmpi->ic_code, i; if (opcode >= IC_END_EXP && opcode != IC_NOP2) { "%15ts %016X ", intermediate_code_table[opcode].name, tmpi->ic_data; if (cc->pass) { if (tmpi->res.type.mode) { "$PURPLE$RES:$FG$"; ICArgPut(&tmpi->res, 0); } if (tmpi->arg1.type.mode) { "$PURPLE$ARG1:$FG$"; if (intermediate_code_table[tmpi->ic_code].type == IST_DEREF || intermediate_code_table[tmpi->ic_code].type == IST_ASSIGN) ICArgPut(&tmpi->arg1, tmpi->arg1_type_pointed_to); else ICArgPut(&tmpi->arg1, 0); } if (tmpi->arg2.type.mode) { "$PURPLE$ARG2:$FG$"; ICArgPut(&tmpi->arg2, 0); } "$PURPLE$:$FG$"; } ICClassPut(tmpi->ic_class); if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_LOCK) "$BROWN$lock$FG$ "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_ARG2_TO_F64) "$LTBLUE$a2d$FG$ "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_ARG2_TO_INT) "$GREEN$a2i$FG$ "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_ARG1_TO_F64) "$LTBLUE$a1d$FG$ "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_ARG1_TO_INT) "$GREEN$a1i$FG$ "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_RES_TO_F64) "$LTBLUE$rd$FG$ "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_RES_TO_INT) "$GREEN$ri$FG$ "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_USE_F64) "[F64] "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_USE_UNSIGNED) "[unsigned] "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_USE_INT) "[int] "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_RES_NOT_USED) "NO_RES "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_BY_VAL) "BY_VAL "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_PUSH_RES) "PUSH "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_PUSH_CMP) "PUSH_CMP "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_POP_CMP) "POP_CMP "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_DEL_PREV_INS) "DEL_PREV "; if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_PREV_DELETED) "PREV_DEL "; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (Bt(&tmpi->ic_flags, ICf_DONT_PUSH_FLOAT0 + i)) "DONT_PUSH#%d ", i; if (Bt(&tmpi->ic_flags, ICf_DONT_POP_FLOAT0 + i)) "DONT_POP#%d ", i; } if (tmpi->ic_flags & ICF_ALT_TEMPLATE) "ALT_TMP "; '\n'; } }