#help_index "DolDoc" I64 DocCharDist(CDoc *doc, I64 x, I64 y) { #assert FONT_WIDTH == FONT_HEIGHT return (SqrI64(doc->x - x) + SqrI64(doc->y - y)) * FONT_WIDTH * FONT_WIDTH; } U0 DocDelToNum(CDoc *doc, I64 num) { CDocEntry *doc_e = doc->head.next, *doc_e2; while (num-- > 0 && doc_e != doc) { doc_e2 = doc_e->next; if (!(doc_e->de_flags & (DOCEF_HOLD | DOCEF_FILTER_SKIP))) { if (doc_e == doc->cur_entry) { doc->cur_entry = doc_e2; doc->cur_col = doc_e2->min_col; } DocEntryDel(doc, doc_e); } doc_e = doc_e2; } } U0 DocDelToEntry(CDoc *doc, CDocEntry *clear_entry, Bool clear_holds) { CDocEntry *doc_e = doc->head.next, *doc_e2; while (doc_e != doc) { doc_e2 = doc_e->next; if (!(doc_e->de_flags & (DOCEF_HOLD | DOCEF_FILTER_SKIP)) || clear_holds) { if (doc_e == doc->cur_entry) { doc->cur_entry = doc_e2; doc->cur_col = doc_e2->min_col; } DocEntryDel(doc, doc_e); } if (doc_e == clear_entry) break; doc_e = doc_e2; } } U0 DocBorderListDraw(CDoc *doc) { CTask *win_task = doc->win_task; I64 i, y = -1, attr = win_task->border_attr << 8; U64 ch; CDoc *tmpl = doc; CD3I64 saved_scroll; while (tmpl && tmpl->doc_signature == DOC_SIGNATURE_VAL) { y += (Bsr(tmpl->desc) + 7) >> 3 + 1; //StrLen+1 tmpl = tmpl->parent_doc; } tmpl = doc; if (y > win_task->win_height) y = win_task->win_height; WinScrollNull(win_task, &saved_scroll); while (tmpl && tmpl->doc_signature == DOC_SIGNATURE_VAL) { ch = tmpl->desc; i = (Bsr(ch) + 7) >> 3; //StrLen ch = EndianU64(ch << ((8 - i) << 3)); attr = win_task->border_attr << 8; while (i-- && y > 0) { TextChar(win_task, TRUE, -1, --y, attr + ch & 0xFF); ch >>= 8; } y--; tmpl = tmpl->parent_doc; } WinScrollRestore(win_task, &saved_scroll); } public U0 DocTop(CDoc *doc=NULL) {//Move cursor, cur_entry, to top. Bool unlock; if (!doc && !(doc = DocPut)) return; unlock = DocLock(doc); doc->cur_entry = doc->head.next; doc->cur_col = doc->cur_entry->min_col; doc->x = 0; doc->y = 0; doc->line_start_col = 0; doc->top_line_num = 0; DocFormFwd(doc); DocRecalc(doc); if (unlock) DocUnlock(doc); } public U0 DocCenter(CDoc *doc=NULL, I64 recalc_flags=RECALCt_NORMAL) {//Center win on doc cursor, cur_entry. Bool unlock; CTask *task; if (!doc && !(doc = DocPut)) return; unlock = DocLock(doc); task = doc->win_task; DocRecalc(doc, recalc_flags); if (!(doc->flags & DOCF_BORDER_DOC)) doc->top_line_num = doc->y - (task->win_height + 1) >> 1; if (unlock) DocUnlock(doc); } public U0 DocBottom(CDoc *doc=NULL) {//Move cursor, cur_entry, to bottom. Bool unlock; if (!doc && !(doc = DocPut)) return; unlock = DocLock(doc); doc->cur_entry = doc; doc->cur_col = 0; DocRecalc(doc); if (unlock) DocUnlock(doc); } public U0 DocClear(CDoc *doc=NULL, Bool clear_holds=FALSE) {//Clear all doc entries, except +H, hold entries. Bool unlock; if (!doc && !(doc = DocPut)) return; unlock = DocLock(doc); DocBottom(doc); if (clear_holds) DocPrint(doc, "$CL+H$"); else DocPrint(doc, "$CL$"); DocRecalc(doc); if (unlock) DocUnlock(doc); } public Bool DocCursor(Bool show=OFF, CDoc *doc=NULL) {//Show or hide cursor. if (!doc && !(doc = DocPut)) return FALSE; return !LBEqual(&doc->flags, DOCf_HIDE_CURSOR, !show); } public Bool DocHighlightCursor(Bool show=OFF, CDoc *doc=NULL) {//Highlight or Don't highlight cursor. if (!doc && !(doc = DocPut)) return FALSE; return !LBEqual(&doc->flags, DOCf_DONT_HIGHLIGHT_CURSOR, !show); } public Bool DocScroll(Bool val=OFF, CDoc *doc=NULL) {//Turn scroll bars OFF/ON. if (!doc && !(doc = DocPut)) return FALSE; return !LBEqual(&doc->flags, DOCf_NO_SCROLL_BARS, !val); } public U0 DocCollapse(Bool collapse=TRUE, CDoc *doc=NULL) {//Collapse or uncollapse all tree widgets. CDocEntry *doc_e; Bool unlock; if (!doc && !(doc = DocPut)) return; unlock = DocLock(doc); doc_e = doc->head.next; while (doc_e != doc) { if (doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_TREE) BEqual(&doc_e->de_flags, DOCEf_CHECKED_COLLAPSED, collapse); doc_e = doc_e->next; } DocRecalc(doc); if (unlock) DocUnlock(doc); } #help_index "DolDoc/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically)" public I64 DocMax(I64 i=I64_MAX) {//Set max document entries. (Cmd line buffer size.) //Adjusts the size of the cmd line buf. //Normally, the cmd line deletes entries //when more are added and the old scroll up. //See max_entries. I64 res; CDoc *doc; if (doc = DocPut) { res = doc->max_entries; doc->max_entries = i; return res; } else return 0; } #help_index "DolDoc/Task;StdOut/Task" U0 DocUpdateTaskDocs(CTask *task) {//This is called from GrUpdateTaskWin() by the winmgr at 60fps. CDoc *doc; CD3I64 saved_scroll; if (task->border_src == BDS_CUR_DRIVE && task->cur_dv) task->border_attr = DriveTextAttrGet(Drive2Letter(task->cur_dv)); if (task->title_src == TTS_TASK_NAME) StrCopy(task->task_title, task->task_name); if ((doc = DocDisplay(task)) && !(doc->flags & DOCF_DONT_SHOW)) { if (task->border_src == BDS_ED_FILENAME_DRIVE) task->border_attr = DriveTextAttrGet(*doc->filename.name); if (task->title_src == TTS_ED_FILENAME) MemCopy(task->task_title, doc->filename.name, STR_LEN - 1); DocRecalc(doc, RECALCt_TO_SCREEN | RECALCF_HAS_CURSOR); } if ((doc = DocBorder(task)) && !(doc->flags & DOCF_DONT_SHOW)) { WinScrollNull(task, &saved_scroll); DocRecalc(doc, RECALCt_TO_SCREEN); WinScrollRestore(task, &saved_scroll); } }