#define PE_UNARY_TERM1 0 #define PE_UNARY_TERM2 1 #define PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS 2 #define PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS 3 #define PE_DEREFERENCE 4 #define PE_CHECK_BINARY_OPS1 5 #define PE_CHECK_BINARY_OPS2 6 #define PE_DO_UNARY_OP 7 #define PE_DO_BINARY_OP 8 #define PE_POP_HIGHER 9 #define PE_PUSH_LOWER 10 #define PE_POP_ALL1 11 #define PE_POP_ALL2 12 CIntermediateCode *ParseAddOp(CCompCtrl *cc, I64 stack_op, CHashClass *tmpc) { CIntermediateCode *tmpi = cc->coc.coc_head.last; Bool div_sizeof = FALSE; switch (stack_op.u16[0]) { case IC_ADD: if (tmpc->ptr_stars_count && !tmpi->ic_class->ptr_stars_count && tmpi->ic_class->raw_type != RT_F64) { ICAdd(cc, IC_SIZEOF, 1, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); ICAdd(cc, IC_MUL, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); } break; case IC_SUB: if (tmpc->ptr_stars_count && tmpi->ic_class->raw_type != RT_F64) { if (!tmpi->ic_class->ptr_stars_count) { ICAdd(cc, IC_SIZEOF, 1, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); ICAdd(cc, IC_MUL, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); } else div_sizeof = TRUE; } break; case IC_AND_AND: case IC_OR_OR: ICAdd(cc, IC_NOP1, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); break; case IC_ADD_EQU: case IC_SUB_EQU: if (tmpc->ptr_stars_count) { ICAdd(cc, IC_SIZEOF, 1, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); ICAdd(cc, IC_MUL, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); } break; } tmpi = ICAdd(cc, stack_op, 0, tmpc); if (stack_op.u8[3] & ECF_HAS_PUSH_CMP) { tmpi->ic_flags |= ICF_POP_CMP; ICAdd(cc, IC_NOP1, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); ICAdd(cc, IC_AND_AND, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64], ICF_POP_CMP); } if (div_sizeof) { tmpc--; if (tmpc->size != 1) { ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpc->size, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); ICAdd(cc, IC_DIV, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); tmpc = cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]; } } return tmpi; } U0 ParseExpression2(CCompCtrl *cc, I64 *_max_prec, CParseStack *ps) { I64 i, cur_op, stack_op, state, max_prec = PREC_NULL, unary_pre_prec, paren_prec, unary_post_prec, left_prec = PREC_MAX; CIntermediateCode *tmpi; CHashClass *tmpc; CMemberList *local_var; CArrayDim *tmpad = NULL; goto pe_unary_term1; while (TRUE) { switch [state] { case PE_UNARY_TERM1: pe_unary_term1: unary_pre_prec = PREC_NULL; unary_post_prec = PREC_NULL; cc->flags &= ~(CCF_PAREN + CCF_PREINC + CCF_PREDEC + CCF_POSTINC + CCF_POSTDEC + CCF_FUN_EXP); case PE_UNARY_TERM2: state = ParseUnaryTerm(cc, ps, &local_var, &tmpad, &max_prec, &unary_pre_prec, &paren_prec); break; case PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS: state = ParseUnaryModifier(cc, ps, &local_var, &tmpad, &unary_post_prec); break; case PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS: if (cc->token == '(') { //Typecast or fun_ptr cc->flags |= CCF_RAX; state = ParseUnaryModifier(cc, ps, &local_var, &tmpad, &unary_post_prec); } else goto pe_check_binary_ops1; break; case PE_DEREFERENCE: if (!(cc->flags & (CCF_PREINC | CCF_PREDEC | CCF_POSTINC | CCF_POSTDEC))) i = IC_DEREF + PREC_UNARY_PRE << 16; else { if (cc->flags & CCF_POSTINC) i = IC__PP + PREC_UNARY_POST << 16; else if (cc->flags & CCF_POSTDEC) i = IC__MM + PREC_UNARY_POST << 16; else if (cc->flags & CCF_PREDEC) i = IC_MM_ + PREC_UNARY_PRE << 16; else i = IC_PP_+PREC_UNARY_PRE << 16; cc->flags &= ~(CCF_PREINC | CCF_PREDEC | CCF_POSTINC | CCF_POSTDEC); } tmpi = cc->coc.coc_head.last; if (cc->flags & (CCF_RAX | CCF_ARRAY)) { if (tmpi->ic_code == IC_DEREF) tmpi->ic_code = i; } else { tmpc = OptClassFwd(tmpi->ic_class - 1); ICAdd(cc, i, 0, tmpc); } case PE_CHECK_BINARY_OPS1: pe_check_binary_ops1: if (paren_prec) { if (unary_pre_prec || unary_post_prec) { if (paren_prec <= unary_pre_prec && !unary_post_prec) ParenWarning(cc); paren_prec = PREC_NULL; } else if (paren_prec <= PREC_UNARY_PRE + ASSOC_MASK) ParenWarning(cc); } cur_op = cmp.binary_ops[cc->token]; case PE_CHECK_BINARY_OPS2: pe_check_binary_ops2: stack_op = ParsePop(ps); tmpc = ParsePop(ps); if (!(0 < stack_op.u8[2] <= PREC_UNARY_PRE + ASSOC_MASK)) goto pe_do_binary_op; case PE_DO_UNARY_OP: if (cur_op.u16[0] == IC_POWER && stack_op.u16[0] == IC_UNARY_MINUS) { Lex(cc); //skip ` op left_prec = cur_op.i8[2]; ParsePush(ps, tmpc); ParsePush(ps, stack_op); ParsePush(ps, cc->coc.coc_head.last->ic_class); ParsePush(ps, cur_op); goto pe_unary_term1; } else { tmpi = cc->coc.coc_head.last; tmpc = tmpi->ic_class; if (stack_op.u16[0] == IC_DEREF && tmpc->ptr_stars_count) tmpc--; else if (stack_op.u16[0] == IC_ADDR) { cc->abs_counts.c_addres++; if (intermediate_code_table[tmpi->ic_code].type == IST_DEREF) OptFree(tmpi); tmpc++; } tmpc = OptClassFwd(tmpc); if (stack_op) ICAdd(cc, stack_op, 0, tmpc); goto pe_check_binary_ops2; } case PE_DO_BINARY_OP: pe_do_binary_op: ParsePush(ps, tmpc); ParsePush(ps, stack_op); if (!cur_op) goto pe_pop_all1; switch (cur_op.u16[0]) { case IC_ADD: case IC_SUB: tmpi = cc->coc.coc_head.last; if (!tmpi->ic_class->ptr_stars_count && tmpi->ic_class->raw_type != RT_F64) { ICAdd(cc, IC_SIZEOF, 1, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); ICAdd(cc, IC_MUL, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); } break; case IC_AND_AND: case IC_OR_OR: ICAdd(cc, IC_NOP1, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); break; } if (cc->flags & CCF_FUN_EXP) { ps->ptr2--; cc->flags &= ~CCF_FUN_EXP; } Lex(cc); //skip op if (paren_prec > PREC_UNARY_PRE + ASSOC_MASK && paren_prec & ~ASSOC_MASK < left_prec & ~ASSOC_MASK + paren_prec & ASSOCF_RIGHT && paren_prec & ~ASSOC_MASK < cur_op.u8[2] & ~ASSOC_MASK + !(paren_prec & ASSOCF_RIGHT)) ParenWarning(cc); if (cur_op.u8[2] > max_prec) max_prec = cur_op.u8[2]; left_prec = cur_op.u8[2]; if (intermediate_code_table[cur_op.u16[0]].type == IST_ASSIGN) { tmpi = cc->coc.coc_head.last; tmpc = OptClassFwd(tmpi->ic_class); if (intermediate_code_table[tmpi->ic_code].type != IST_DEREF || !tmpc->ptr_stars_count && !Bt(&tmpc->flags, Cf_INTERNAL_TYPE)) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid lval at "); tmpi->ic_code = IC_NOP1; //Important for setting class (pretty sure) cur_op.u8[2] = PREC_ASSIGN | ASSOCF_RIGHT; } case PE_POP_HIGHER: pe_pop_higher: stack_op = ParsePop(ps); //pop ops of higher prec tmpc = ParsePop(ps); if (!stack_op) goto pe_push_lower; else if (cur_op.u8[2] & ~ASSOC_MASK == stack_op.u8[2] & ~ASSOC_MASK) { if (cur_op.u8[2] & ASSOCF_RIGHT) goto pe_push_lower; } else if (cur_op.u8[2] & ~ASSOC_MASK <= stack_op.u8[2] & ~ASSOC_MASK) goto pe_push_lower; tmpi = ParseAddOp(cc, stack_op, tmpc); if (intermediate_code_table[cur_op.u16[0]].type == IST_CMP && intermediate_code_table[stack_op.u16[0]].type == IST_CMP) { tmpi->ic_flags |= ICF_PUSH_CMP; ICAdd(cc, IC_NOP1, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); ICAdd(cc, IC_PUSH_CMP, 0, tmpc); cur_op.u8[3] |= ECF_HAS_PUSH_CMP; } else if (cur_op.u16[0] == IC_AND_AND || cur_op.u16[0] == IC_OR_OR) ICAdd(cc, IC_NOP1, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); goto pe_pop_higher; case PE_PUSH_LOWER: pe_push_lower: ParsePush(ps, tmpc); ParsePush(ps, stack_op); ParsePush(ps, cc->coc.coc_head.last->ic_class); ParsePush(ps, cur_op); goto pe_unary_term1; case PE_POP_ALL1: pe_pop_all1: if (paren_prec > PREC_UNARY_PRE + ASSOC_MASK && paren_prec & ~ASSOC_MASK <= left_prec & ~ASSOC_MASK - paren_prec & ASSOCF_LEFT - left_prec & ASSOCF_LEFT) ParenWarning(cc); case PE_POP_ALL2: pe_pop_all2: stack_op = ParsePop(ps); tmpc = ParsePop(ps); if (!stack_op.u16[0]) goto pe_done; ParseAddOp(cc, stack_op, tmpc); goto pe_pop_all2; } } pe_done: if (_max_prec) *_max_prec = max_prec; } Bool ParseExpression(CCompCtrl *cc, I64 *_max_prec, Bool end_exp, CParseStack *_ps=NULL) { Bool res = TRUE; I64 old_flags = cc->flags; CParseStack *ps; if (_ps) ps = _ps; else { ps = MAlloc(sizeof(CParseStack)); ps->ptr = 0; ps->ptr2 = 0; } ParsePush(ps, 0); //terminate ParsePush(ps, 0); //terminate try //try catch causes noreg vars in function ParseExpression2(cc, _max_prec, ps); catch { if (Fs->except_ch == 'Compiler') { res = FALSE; Fs->catch_except = TRUE; } } if (!_ps) { if (ps->ptr) LexExcept(cc, "Compiler Parse Error at "); Free(ps); } if (res) { if (end_exp) ICAdd(cc, IC_END_EXP, 0, 0, ICF_RES_NOT_USED); if (cc->coc.coc_head.last->ic_class == cmp.internal_types[RT_U0]) LexWarn(cc, "U0 Expression "); } cc->flags |= old_flags & (CCF_PREINC | CCF_PREDEC); return res; } U0 ParseSizeOf(CCompCtrl *cc) { CHashClass *tmpc; CMemberList *tmpm; CDebugInfo *debug_info; I64 i; if (cc->token != TK_IDENT) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid class at "); if (tmpm = cc->local_var_entry) { tmpc = tmpm->member_class; i = tmpc->size * tmpm->dim.total_count; if (Lex(cc) == '.') goto pu_sizeof_member; } else { if (!(tmpc = cc->hash_entry) || !(tmpc->type & (HTT_CLASS | HTT_INTERNAL_TYPE | HTT_GLOBAL_VAR | HTT_FUN | HTT_EXPORT_SYS_SYM))) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid class at "); if (tmpc->type & (HTT_FUN | HTT_EXPORT_SYS_SYM)) { if (!(debug_info = tmpc(CHashFun *)->debug_info)) LexExcept(cc, "Size not defined at "); i = debug_info->body[debug_info->max_line + 1 - debug_info->min_line] - debug_info->body[0]; Lex(cc); } else { i = tmpc->size; while (Lex(cc) == '.') { pu_sizeof_member: if (!(tmpc->type & (HTT_CLASS | HTT_GLOBAL_VAR))) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid class at "); else if (tmpc->type & HTT_GLOBAL_VAR) tmpc = tmpc(CHashGlobalVar *)->var_class; if (Lex(cc) != TK_IDENT || !(tmpm = MemberFind(cc->cur_str, tmpc))) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid member at "); else if (cc->local_var_entry) cc->local_var_entry->use_count--; tmpc = tmpm->member_class; //Probably others like this: #assert offset(CHashClass.size) == offset(CHashGlobalVar.size) i = tmpc->size * tmpm->dim.total_count; } } } if (cc->token == '*') { while (Lex(cc) == '*'); i = sizeof(U8 *); } ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, i, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); } U0 ParseOffsetOf(CCompCtrl *cc) { CHashClass *tmpc; CMemberList *tmpm; I64 i; if (cc->token != TK_IDENT) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid class at "); if (tmpm = cc->local_var_entry) tmpc = tmpm->member_class; else { tmpc = cc->hash_entry; if (!tmpc || !(tmpc->type & (HTT_CLASS | HTT_GLOBAL_VAR))) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid class at "); else if (tmpc->type & HTT_GLOBAL_VAR) tmpc = tmpc(CHashGlobalVar *)->var_class; } if (Lex(cc) != '.') LexExcept(cc, "Expecting '.' at "); i = 0; do { if (Lex(cc) != TK_IDENT || !(tmpm = MemberFind(cc->cur_str, tmpc))) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid member at "); else if (cc->local_var_entry) cc->local_var_entry->use_count--; i += tmpm->offset; tmpc = tmpm->member_class; } while (Lex(cc) == '.'); ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, i, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); } I64 ParseFunCall(CCompCtrl *cc, CParseStack *ps, Bool indirect, CHashFun *tmpf) { I64 i, argc_count, default_val; Bool is_first_arg = TRUE, needs_right_paren, is_print, is_putchars, is_template_fun; CHashClass *tmpc2, *last_class = NULL; CMemberList *tmpm; CCodeCtrl *tmpcbh, *tmpcbh1; CCodeMisc *cm; CIntermediateCode *tmpi; if (!tmpf) { if (cc->token == TK_CHAR_CONST) { if (!(tmpf = HashFind("PutChars", cc->htc.hash_table_list, HTT_FUN))) LexExcept(cc, "Missing header for Print() and PutChars() at "); if (!cc->cur_i64) //empty char signals PutChars with variable Lex(cc); is_print = FALSE; is_putchars = TRUE; } else { if (!(tmpf = HashFind("Print", cc->htc.hash_table_list, HTT_FUN))) LexExcept(cc, "Missing header for Print() and PutChars() at "); if (!*cc->cur_str) //empty string signals Print with variable format_str Lex(cc); is_putchars = FALSE; is_print = TRUE; } } else { is_print = FALSE; is_putchars = FALSE; } if (Bt(&tmpf->flags, Ff_INTERNAL) && IC_SQR <= tmpf->exe_addr <= IC_ATAN) is_template_fun = TRUE; else is_template_fun = FALSE; if (indirect) { if (!(cc->flags & (CCF_RAX | CCF_ARRAY))) ICAdd(cc, IC_DEREF, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); cc->coc.coc_head.last->ic_class = cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]; ICAdd(cc, IC_RAX_SET, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); ICAdd(cc, IC_NOP2, 1, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); //balance the books } COCPush(cc); tmpcbh = cc->coc.coc_next; cc->coc.coc_next = NULL; i = tmpf->arg_count; tmpm = tmpf->member_list_and_root; argc_count = 0; if (cc->token == '(') { Lex(cc); needs_right_paren = TRUE; } else needs_right_paren = FALSE; while (i--) { COCInit(cc); if (!is_first_arg) { if (is_print) { if (cc->token == ',') Lex(cc); else if (cc->token != ';') LexExcept(cc, "Expecting ',' at "); } else { if (needs_right_paren) { if (cc->token == ',') Lex(cc); else if (cc->token != ')') LexExcept(cc, "Expecting ',' at "); } } } if (tmpm->flags & MLF_DEFAULT_AVAILABLE && (cc->token == ')' || cc->token == ',' || !needs_right_paren)) { default_val = tmpm->default_val; if (tmpm->flags & MLF_LASTCLASS && last_class) default_val = (last_class - last_class->ptr_stars_count)->str; if (tmpm->flags & (MLF_STR_DEFAULT_AVAILABLE | MLF_LASTCLASS) && cc->flags & CCF_AOT_COMPILE) { cm = COCMiscNew(cc, CMT_STR_CONST); ICAdd(cc, IC_STR_CONST, cm, cmp.internal_types[RT_U8] + 1); cm->st_len = StrLen(default_val) + 1; cm->str = StrNew(default_val); cc->flags |= CCF_HAS_MISC_DATA; } else ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, default_val, tmpm->member_class); } else { if (!ParseExpression(cc, NULL, FALSE, ps)) throw('Compiler'); else { COCPush(cc); cc->pass = 0; OptPass012(cc); cc->pass = 1; tmpi = OptPass012(cc); COCPop(cc); last_class = OptClassFwd(tmpi->ic_class); tmpc2 = OptClassFwd(tmpm->member_class); if (tmpc2->raw_type == RT_F64 && !tmpm->dim.next && last_class->raw_type != RT_F64) tmpi->ic_flags |= ICF_RES_TO_F64; else if (tmpc2->raw_type != RT_F64 && last_class->raw_type == RT_F64) tmpi->ic_flags |= ICF_RES_TO_INT; } } COCPush(cc); is_first_arg = FALSE; tmpm = tmpm->next; } if (tmpm && tmpm->flags & MLF_DOT_DOT_DOT) { COCInit(cc); tmpi = ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, 0, tmpm->member_class); COCPush(cc); if (is_print) { if (cc->token != ';') { do { if (!is_first_arg) { if (cc->token == ',') Lex(cc); else LexExcept(cc, "Expecting ',' at "); } COCInit(cc); if (!ParseExpression(cc, NULL, FALSE, ps)) throw('Compiler'); COCPush(cc); is_first_arg = FALSE; argc_count++; } while (cc->token == ','); } } else if (needs_right_paren) { if (cc->token != ')') { do { if (!is_first_arg) { if (cc->token == ',') Lex(cc); else LexExcept(cc, "Expecting ',' at "); } COCInit(cc); if (!ParseExpression(cc, NULL, FALSE, ps)) throw('Compiler'); COCPush(cc); is_first_arg = FALSE; argc_count++; } while (cc->token == ','); } } tmpi->ic_data = argc_count++; //++ so add_esp latter works } if (needs_right_paren) { if (cc->token == ')') Lex(cc); else LexExcept(cc, "Missing ')' at "); } tmpcbh1 = tmpcbh->coc_next; tmpcbh->coc_next = cc->coc.coc_next; cc->coc.coc_next = tmpcbh; COCPop(cc); tmpcbh = cc->coc.coc_next; cc->coc.coc_next = tmpcbh1; if (!is_template_fun) ICAdd(cc, IC_CALL_START, tmpf, 0); if (indirect) ICAdd(cc, IC_PUSH_REGS, 1 << REG_RAX, tmpf->return_class); while (tmpcbh) { tmpcbh1 = tmpcbh->coc_next; COCAppend(cc, tmpcbh); if (!Bt(&tmpf->flags, Ff_INTERNAL)) cc->coc.coc_head.last->ic_flags |= ICF_PUSH_RES; tmpcbh = tmpcbh1; } if (Bt(&tmpf->flags, Ff_INTERNAL)) ICAdd(cc, tmpf->exe_addr, 0, tmpf->return_class); else { if (indirect) ICAdd(cc, IC_CALL_INDIRECT, (argc_count + tmpf->arg_count) << 3, tmpf->return_class); else if (Bt(&tmpf->flags, Cf_EXTERN)) { cc->abs_counts.externs++; if (cc->flags & CCF_AOT_COMPILE) { if (tmpf->type & HTF_IMPORT) ICAdd(cc, IC_CALL_IMPORT, tmpf, tmpf->return_class); else ICAdd(cc, IC_CALL_EXTERN, tmpf, tmpf->return_class); } else ICAdd(cc, IC_CALL_INDIRECT2, &tmpf->exe_addr, tmpf->return_class); } else ICAdd(cc, IC_CALL, tmpf->exe_addr, tmpf->return_class); if ((Bt(&tmpf->flags, Ff_RET1) || Bt(&tmpf->flags, Ff_ARGPOP)) && !Bt(&tmpf->flags, Ff_NOARGPOP)) { if (indirect) { ICAdd(cc, IC_ADD_RSP1, (argc_count + tmpf->arg_count) << 3, tmpf->return_class); ICAdd(cc, IC_ADD_RSP, 8, tmpf->return_class); } else ICAdd(cc, IC_ADD_RSP1, (argc_count + tmpf->arg_count) << 3, tmpf->return_class); } else { if (indirect) argc_count++; ICAdd(cc, IC_ADD_RSP, (argc_count + tmpf->arg_count) << 3, tmpf->return_class); } } if (!is_template_fun) ICAdd(cc, IC_CALL_END, tmpf, tmpf->return_class); if (is_print || is_putchars) ICAdd(cc, IC_END_EXP, 0, 0, ICF_RES_NOT_USED); cc->flags = (cc->flags | CCF_RAX) & ~(CCF_ARRAY | CCF_FUN_EXP); return PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS; } I64 ParseUnaryTerm(CCompCtrl *cc, CParseStack *ps, CMemberList **_local_var, CArrayDim **_tmpad, I64 *max_prec, I64 *unary_pre_prec, I64 *paren_prec) { I64 i, j; CHashExport *tmpex; CHashClass *tmpc; CHashFun *tmpf; CHashGlobalVar *tmpg; CMemberList *tmpm; CAsmUndefHash *tmpauh; CCodeMisc *cm; Bool paren_warn; *_local_var = NULL; *paren_prec = PREC_NULL; switch (cc->token) { start: if (PREC_UNARY_PRE > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_UNARY_PRE; *unary_pre_prec = PREC_UNARY_PRE; start: case '~': i = IC_COM; break; case '!': i = IC_NOT; break; case '-': i = IC_UNARY_MINUS; break; case '*': i = IC_DEREF; break; end: Lex(cc); //Skip op break; case '&': if (Lex(cc) == TK_IDENT) { if (tmpc = cc->hash_entry) { if (tmpc->type & HTT_FUN) { tmpf = tmpc; if (!Bt(&tmpf->flags, Ff_INTERNAL)) { if (Bt(&tmpf->flags, Cf_EXTERN)) { if (cc->flags & CCF_AOT_COMPILE) { if (cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS) { if (tmpex = HashFind(tmpf->str, cc->htc.hash_table_list, HTT_EXPORT_SYS_SYM)) goto pu_export_sys_sym; else goto pu_new_sys_sym; } LexExcept(cc, "Can't take addr of extern fun"); } cc->abs_counts.externs++; ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, &tmpf->exe_addr, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); ICAdd(cc, IC_DEREF, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); } else { if (cc->flags & CCF_AOT_COMPILE) { ICAdd(cc, IC_ABS_ADDR, tmpf->exe_addr, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); if (cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS) cc->abs_counts.abs_addres++; } else ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpf->exe_addr, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); } cc->abs_counts.c_addres++; Lex(cc); return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; } } else if (tmpc->type & HTT_EXPORT_SYS_SYM) { tmpex = tmpc; if (cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS && !(cc->flags & CCF_AOT_COMPILE) && tmpex->type & HTF_IMM) { cc->abs_counts.c_addres++; ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpex->val, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); Lex(cc); return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; } else goto pu_export_sys_sym; } } else if (cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS && !cc->local_var_entry) goto pu_ident_but_not_local_var; } i = IC_ADDR; break; end: ParsePush(ps, tmpc); ParsePush(ps, PREC_UNARY_PRE << 16 + i); return PE_UNARY_TERM2; start: case TK_I64: case TK_CHAR_CONST: case TK_INS_BIN_SIZE: if (cc->cur_i64 < 0) ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, cc->cur_i64, cmp.internal_types[RT_U64]); else ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, cc->cur_i64, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); Lex(cc); break; case TK_F64: ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_F64, cc->cur_f64(I64), cmp.internal_types[RT_F64]); Lex(cc); break; case TK_STR: cm = COCMiscNew(cc, CMT_STR_CONST); ICAdd(cc, IC_STR_CONST, cm, cmp.internal_types[RT_U8] + 1); cm->str = LexExtStr(cc, &cm->st_len); cc->flags |= CCF_HAS_MISC_DATA; break; case TK_INS_BIN: cm = COCMiscNew(cc, CMT_STR_CONST); ICAdd(cc, IC_STR_CONST, cm, cmp.internal_types[RT_U8] + 1); cm->str = cc->cur_str; cm->st_len = cc->cur_str_len; cc->cur_str = NULL; cc->flags |= CCF_HAS_MISC_DATA; Lex(cc); break; case '$': if (cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS) { cc->abs_counts.abs_addres++; if (cc->flags &CCF_AOT_COMPILE) ICAdd(cc, IC_ABS_ADDR, cc->aotc->rip, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); else ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, cc->aotc->rip, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); } else { if (cc->flags & CCF_CLASS_DOL_OFFSET) ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, cc->class_dol_offset, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); else ICAdd(cc, IC_RIP, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); } Lex(cc); break; end: if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; case '(': if (Lex(cc) == TK_IDENT && cc->hash_entry && cc->hash_entry->type & (HTT_CLASS | HTT_INTERNAL_TYPE)) LexExcept(cc, "Use ZealOS postfix typecasting at "); else { if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; if (cc->lex_include_stack->flags & LFSF_DEFINE) paren_warn = FALSE; else paren_warn = TRUE; if (!ParseExpression(cc, paren_prec, FALSE, ps)) throw('Compiler'); if (!paren_warn) *paren_prec = PREC_NULL; if (cc->token != ')') LexExcept(cc, "Missing ')' at "); Lex(cc); //skip ) cc->flags = cc->flags & ~CCF_ARRAY | CCF_RAX | CCF_PAREN; return PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS; } start: case '+': break; case TK_PLUS_PLUS: cc->flags |= CCF_PREINC; break; case TK_MINUS_MINUS: cc->flags |= CCF_PREDEC; break; end: if (PREC_UNARY_PRE > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_UNARY_PRE; *unary_pre_prec = PREC_UNARY_PRE; Lex(cc); return PE_UNARY_TERM2; case TK_IDENT: if (tmpm = cc->local_var_entry) { if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; cc->flags &= ~(CCF_RAX | CCF_ARRAY | CCF_FUN_EXP); tmpc = tmpm->member_class + 1; if (tmpm->flags & MLF_FUN && !(cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS)) { ParsePopDeref(ps); cc->flags |= CCF_FUN_EXP; ParsePush2(ps, tmpm->fun_ptr - tmpm->fun_ptr->ptr_stars_count); } if (tmpm->dim.next) { *_tmpad = tmpm->dim.next; cc->flags |= CCF_ARRAY; } if (tmpm->flags & MLF_STATIC) { if (cc->flags & CCF_AOT_COMPILE) { // if (tmpg->flags&GVF_DATA_HEAP) //TODO // ICAdd(cc,IC_HEAP_GLOBAL,tmpm->static_data,tmpc); // else ICAdd(cc, IC_ABS_ADDR, tmpm->static_data_rip, tmpc); } else ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpm->static_data, tmpc); } else { if (cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS) { i = ParsePop(ps); ps->ptr--; if (i.u16[0] != IC_ADDR) LexExcept(cc, "Expecting '&' at "); ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpm->offset, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); *_local_var = tmpm; Lex(cc); return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; } else { if (tmpm->dim.next && tmpm->offset > 0 && StrCompare(tmpm->str, "argv")) { tmpc++; cc->flags &= ~CCF_ARRAY; } ICAdd(cc, IC_RBP, 0, tmpc); ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpm->offset, tmpc); ICAdd(cc, IC_ADD, 0, tmpc); } } Lex(cc); //skip var name *_local_var = tmpm; return PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS; } pu_ident_but_not_local_var: if (!(tmpex = cc->hash_entry)) { if (!(cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS)) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid lval at "); tmpc = NULL; pu_new_sys_sym: tmpex = CAlloc(sizeof(CHashExport), Fs->code_heap); tmpex->str = cc->cur_str; cc->cur_str = NULL; if (!cc->htc.local_var_list && *tmpex->str == '@' && tmpex->str[1] == '@') { tmpex->type = HTT_EXPORT_SYS_SYM | HTF_UNRESOLVED | HTF_LOCAL; HashAdd(tmpex, cc->htc.local_hash_table); } else { tmpex->type = HTT_EXPORT_SYS_SYM | HTF_UNRESOLVED; if (tmpc) HashAddAfter(tmpex, tmpc, cc->htc.global_hash_table); else HashAdd(tmpex, cc->htc.global_hash_table); } } switch (Bsf(tmpex->type)) { case HTt_EXPORT_SYS_SYM: pu_export_sys_sym: if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; if (!(tmpex->type & (HTF_IMM | HTF_IMPORT))) cc->abs_counts.abs_addres++; if (tmpex->type & HTF_UNRESOLVED) { if (!(cc->flags & CCF_ASM_EXPRESSIONS)) LexExcept(cc, "Illegal forward ref at "); tmpauh = MAlloc(sizeof(CAsmUndefHash)); tmpauh->hash = tmpex; tmpauh->next = cc->asm_undef_hash; cc->asm_undef_hash = tmpauh; if (tmpex->type & HTF_LOCAL) cc->flags |= CCF_UNRESOLVED | CCF_LOCAL; else cc->flags |= CCF_UNRESOLVED; ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, &tmpex->val, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR], ICF_NO_RIP); ICAdd(cc, IC_DEREF, 0, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); } else { if (cc->flags & CCF_AOT_COMPILE && !(tmpex->type & HTF_IMM)) ICAdd(cc, IC_ABS_ADDR, tmpex->val, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); else { if (tmpex->type & HTF_IMM) cc->abs_counts.c_addres++; ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpex->val, cmp.internal_types[RT_PTR]); } } Lex(cc); return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; case HTt_FUN: if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; Lex(cc); //skip fun name return ParseFunCall(cc, ps, FALSE, tmpex); case HTt_GLOBAL_VAR: if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; tmpg = tmpex; tmpc = tmpg->var_class + 1; cc->flags &= ~(CCF_RAX | CCF_ARRAY | CCF_FUN_EXP); if (tmpg->flags & GVF_ARRAY) { *_tmpad = tmpg->dim.next; cc->flags |= CCF_ARRAY; } if (cc->flags & CCF_AOT_COMPILE) { if (tmpg->flags & GVF_EXTERN) //TODO LexExcept(cc, "Feature not implemented "); else { if (tmpg->flags & GVF_IMPORT) ICAdd(cc, IC_ADDR_IMPORT, tmpg, tmpc); else { if (tmpg->flags & GVF_DATA_HEAP) ICAdd(cc, IC_HEAP_GLOBAL, tmpg->heap_global, tmpc); else ICAdd(cc, IC_ABS_ADDR, tmpg->data_addr_rip, tmpc); } } } else { if (tmpg->flags & GVF_EXTERN) { cc->abs_counts.externs++; ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, &tmpg->data_addr, tmpc); ICAdd(cc, IC_DEREF, 0, tmpc); } else ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpg->data_addr, tmpc); } Lex(cc); if (tmpg->flags & GVF_FUN) { ParsePopDeref(ps); cc->flags |= CCF_FUN_EXP; ParsePush2(ps, tmpg->fun_ptr - tmpg->fun_ptr->ptr_stars_count); } return PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS; case HTt_CLASS: ParseOffsetOf(cc); return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; case HTt_KEYWORD: switch (tmpex(CHashGeneric *)->user_data0) { case KW_SIZEOF: if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; j = 0; while (Lex(cc) == '(') j++; ParseSizeOf(cc); while (j--) { if (cc->token != ')') LexExcept(cc, "Missing ')' at "); Lex(cc); } return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; case KW_OFFSET: if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; j = 0; while (Lex(cc) == '(') j++; ParseOffsetOf(cc); while (j--) { if (cc->token != ')') LexExcept(cc, "Missing ')' at "); Lex(cc); } return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; case KW_DEFINED: if (PREC_TERM > *max_prec) *max_prec = PREC_TERM; j = 0; while (Lex(cc) == '(') j++; if (cc->token == TK_IDENT && (cc->hash_entry || cc->local_var_entry)) ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, TRUE, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); else ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, FALSE, cmp.internal_types[RT_I64]); Lex(cc); while (j--) { if (cc->token != ')') LexExcept(cc, "Missing ')' at "); Lex(cc); } return PE_MAYBE_MODIFIERS; } } } LexExcept(cc, "Missing expression at "); } I64 ParseUnaryModifier(CCompCtrl *cc, CParseStack *ps, CMemberList **_local_var, CArrayDim **_tmpad, I64 *unary_post_prec) { CHashClass *tmpc, *tmpc1; CHashFun *fun_ptr; CMemberList *tmpm = *_local_var; CIntermediateCode *tmpi, *tmpi1; CArrayDim *tmpad1, tmpad2; CCodeMisc *cm; I64 mode, old_flags; Bool was_paren = Btr(&cc->flags, CCf_PAREN); *_local_var = NULL; switch (cc->token) { case '.': if (tmpm) tmpm->reg = REG_NONE; goto um_join; case TK_DEREFERENCE: tmpi = cc->coc.coc_head.last; if (!(cc->flags & (CCF_RAX | CCF_ARRAY))) ICAdd(cc, IC_DEREF + PREC_UNARY_PRE << 16, 0, tmpi->ic_class - 1); else tmpi->ic_class--; um_join: if (!*unary_post_prec) *unary_post_prec = PREC_TERM; tmpc = cc->coc.coc_head.last->ic_class; if ((!tmpc->ptr_stars_count || cc->flags & CCF_ARRAY) && cc->token == '.') LexExcept(cc, "Must be address, not value "); if (!(cc->flags & CCF_RAX)) tmpc--; if (!(tmpc->type & HTT_CLASS)) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid class at "); if (Lex(cc) != TK_IDENT || !(tmpm = MemberFind(cc->cur_str, tmpc))) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid member at "); else if (cc->local_var_entry) cc->local_var_entry->use_count--; Lex(cc); //skip member name tmpc1 = tmpm->member_class + 1; ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpm->offset, tmpc1); cc->flags &= ~(CCF_RAX | CCF_ARRAY | CCF_FUN_EXP); if (tmpm->dim.next) { *_tmpad = tmpm->dim.next; cc->flags |= CCF_ARRAY; } if (tmpm->flags & MLF_FUN) { ParsePopDeref(ps); ParsePush2(ps, tmpm->fun_ptr - tmpm->fun_ptr->ptr_stars_count); cc->flags |= CCF_FUN_EXP; } ICAdd(cc, IC_ADD, 0, tmpc1); return PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS; case '(': if (cc->flags & CCF_FUN_EXP) { if (!*unary_post_prec) *unary_post_prec = PREC_TERM; return ParseFunCall(cc, ps, TRUE, ParsePop2(ps)); } if (!*unary_post_prec) *unary_post_prec = PREC_TERM; if (Lex(cc) != TK_IDENT) LexExcept(cc, "Invalid class at "); if (Btr(&cc->flags, CCf_FUN_EXP)) ps->ptr2--; cc->flags &= ~CCF_ARRAY; tmpc = cc->hash_entry; Lex(cc); mode = PRS0_TYPECAST | PRS1_NULL; tmpc = ParseType(cc, &tmpc, &mode, NULL, NULL, &fun_ptr, NULL, &tmpad2, 0); if (fun_ptr) { ParsePopDeref(ps); Bts(&cc->flags, CCf_FUN_EXP); ParsePush2(ps, fun_ptr); cm=COCMiscNew(cc, CMT_HASH_ENTRY); cm->h = fun_ptr; } if (*_tmpad = tmpad2.next) { cc->flags |= CCF_ARRAY; tmpc++; cm = COCMiscNew(cc, CMT_ARRAY_DIM); cm->dim = *_tmpad; } if (!(cc->flags & (CCF_RAX | CCF_ARRAY))) tmpc++; tmpi = cc->coc.coc_head.last; tmpi->ic_class = tmpc; ICAdd(cc, IC_HOLYC_TYPECAST, was_paren, tmpc); if (cc->token != ')') LexExcept(cc, "Missing ')' at "); Lex(cc); return PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS; case '[': if (!*unary_post_prec) *unary_post_prec = PREC_TERM; Lex(cc); tmpc = OptClassFwd(cc->coc.coc_head.last->ic_class); if (!tmpc->ptr_stars_count) LexExcept(cc, "Not array or ptr "); if (!(cc->flags & (CCF_ARRAY | CCF_RAX))) { tmpc = OptClassFwd(tmpc - 1); if (!tmpc->ptr_stars_count) LexExcept(cc, "Not array or ptr "); ICAdd(cc, IC_DEREF + PREC_UNARY_PRE << 16, 0, tmpc); } tmpc1 = tmpc - 1; if (tmpad1 = *_tmpad) { ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpad1->total_count * tmpc1->size, tmpc); if (*_tmpad = tmpad1->next) { old_flags = cc->flags; if (!ParseExpression(cc, NULL, FALSE, ps)) throw('Compiler'); cc->flags = cc->flags & ~CCF_FUN_EXP | old_flags & CCF_FUN_EXP; if (cc->token != ']') LexExcept(cc, "Missing ']' at "); Lex(cc); //skip ] tmpi1 = cc->coc.coc_head.last; tmpi1->ic_flags |= ICF_RES_TO_INT; ICAdd(cc, IC_MUL, 0, tmpc); ICAdd(cc, IC_ADD, 0, tmpc); cc->flags |= CCF_RAX; return PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS; } } else ICAdd(cc, IC_IMM_I64, tmpc1->size, tmpc); old_flags = cc->flags; if (!ParseExpression(cc, NULL, FALSE, ps)) throw('Compiler'); cc->flags = cc->flags & ~CCF_FUN_EXP | old_flags & CCF_FUN_EXP; if (cc->token != ']') LexExcept(cc,"Missing ']' at "); Lex(cc); //skip ] tmpi1 = cc->coc.coc_head.last; tmpi1->ic_flags |= ICF_RES_TO_INT; ICAdd(cc, IC_MUL, 0, tmpc); ICAdd(cc, IC_ADD, 0, tmpc); cc->flags &= ~(CCF_RAX | CCF_ARRAY); return PE_UNARY_MODIFIERS; start: case TK_PLUS_PLUS: cc->flags |= CCF_POSTINC; break; case TK_MINUS_MINUS: cc->flags |= CCF_POSTDEC; break; end: if (!*unary_post_prec) *unary_post_prec = PREC_UNARY_POST; Lex(cc); return PE_DEREFERENCE; } return PE_DEREFERENCE; } U8 *LexExpression2Bin(CCompCtrl *cc, I64 *_type=NULL) {//Compile cc expression. You call the code. U8 *res; I64 size; Bool old_trace = Btr(&cc->flags, CCf_PASS_TRACE_PRESENT); COCPush(cc); COCInit(cc); if (ParseExpression(cc, NULL, FALSE)) { ICAdd(cc, IC_RETURN_VAL, 0, 0); ICAdd(cc, IC_RET, 0, 0); res = COCCompile(cc, &size, NULL, _type); } else res = NULL; COCPop(cc); BEqual(&cc->flags, CCf_PASS_TRACE_PRESENT, old_trace); return res; } Bool IsLexExpression2Bin(CCompCtrl *cc, U8 **_machine_code) {//Compile cc expression to bin. Return error status. return ToBool(*_machine_code = LexExpression2Bin(cc)); } I64 LexExpressionI64(CCompCtrl *cc) {//Compile cc expression, forcing to I64 and eval. U8 *machine_code; I64 res, type; if (machine_code = LexExpression2Bin(cc, &type)) { res = Call(machine_code); Free(machine_code); if (type == RT_F64) res = ToI64(res(F64)); } else res = 0; return res; } F64 LexExpressionF64(CCompCtrl *cc) {//Compile cc expression, forcing to F64 and eval. U8 *machine_code; I64 res, type; if (machine_code = LexExpression2Bin(cc, &type)) { res = Call(machine_code); Free(machine_code); if (type != RT_F64) res(F64) = ToF64(res); } else res = 0; return res(F64); } I64 LexExpression(CCompCtrl *cc) {//Compile cc expression and eval. Might be I64 or F64. U8 *machine_code; I64 res; if (machine_code = LexExpression2Bin(cc)) { res = Call(machine_code); Free(machine_code); } else res = 0; return res; }