#define PSMR_FLAT -8 #define PSMR_SHARP -7 #define PSMR_TIE -6 #define PSMR_REST -5 #define PSMR_INS_NOTE -4 #define PSMR_DELETE_NOTE -3 #define PSMR_SET_WORD -2 F64 PopUpDuration() { I64 i; CDoc *doc = DocNew; DocPrint(doc, "$GREEN$$MU,\"Set Word\",LE=PSMR_SET_WORD$\n" "$MU,\"Toggle Sharp\",LE=PSMR_SHARP$\n" "$MU,\"Toggle Flat\",LE=PSMR_FLAT$\n" "$MU,\"Toggle Tie\",LE=PSMR_TIE$\n" "$MU,\"Make Rest\",LE=PSMR_REST$\n" "$MU,\"Insert Note\",LE=PSMR_INS_NOTE$\n" "$MU,\"Delete Note\",LE=PSMR_DELETE_NOTE$\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < PSM_DURATIONS_NUM; i++) DocPrint(doc, "$MU,\"%7.5f\",LE=%d$\n", psm_durations[i], i); DocPrint(doc, "\n$MU,\"CANCEL\",LE=DOCM_CANCEL$\n"); i = PopUpMenu(doc); DocDel(doc); return i; } U0 PsmRightClick(I64 x, I64 y) { U8 *st, *st2; PsmNote *tmpn, *tmpn1; I64 i, old_doc_flags; if (DocPut) old_doc_flags = DocPut->flags; psm.cur_note = tmpn = PsmFindNote(x, y); if (tmpn != &psm.head) { Fs->win_inhibit = WIG_USER_TASK_DEFAULT; i = PopUpDuration; if (0 <= i < PSM_DURATIONS_NUM) { if (tmpn->type == PSMT_NOTE) tmpn->duration=i; } else { switch (i) { case PSMR_REST: if (tmpn->type == PSMT_NOTE) tmpn->ona = 0; break; case PSMR_SHARP: if (tmpn->type == PSMT_NOTE && tmpn->ona) { if (Btr(&tmpn->flags, PSMf_FLAT)) tmpn->ona++; if (Btc(&tmpn->flags, PSMf_SHARP)) tmpn->ona--; else tmpn->ona++; } break; case PSMR_FLAT: if (tmpn->type == PSMT_NOTE && tmpn->ona) { if (Btr(&tmpn->flags, PSMf_SHARP)) tmpn->ona--; if (Btc(&tmpn->flags, PSMf_FLAT)) tmpn->ona++; else tmpn->ona--; } break; case PSMR_TIE: if (tmpn->type == PSMT_NOTE) Btc(&tmpn->flags, PSMf_TIE); break; case PSMR_SET_WORD: if (tmpn->type == PSMT_NOTE) { if (DocPut) DocPut->flags &= ~DOCF_FORM; if (PsmHasWords(tmpn->word)) st2 = MStrPrint("\nWord(\"%Q\"):", tmpn->word); else st2 = MStrPrint("\nWord(\"\"):"); DocBottom; st = StrGet(st2); Free(st2); Free(tmpn->word); if (*st) { tmpn->word = MStrPrint("%q", st); Free(st); } else tmpn->word = StrNew(" "); if (DocPut) DocPut->flags = DocPut->flags & ~DOCF_FORM | old_doc_flags & DOCF_FORM; } break; case PSMR_INS_NOTE: tmpn1 = PsmNoteCopy(tmpn); QueueInsert(tmpn1, tmpn); break; case PSMR_DELETE_NOTE: psm.cur_note = tmpn->next; QueueRemove(tmpn); PsmNoteDel(tmpn); break; } } PsmSetWidth(psm.cur_note); Fs->win_inhibit = WIG_TASK_DEFAULT - WIF_SELF_FOCUS - WIF_SELF_BORDER - WIF_FOCUS_TASK_MENU - WIF_SELF_CTRLS; } } U0 PsmLeftClickPickNoteBox(I64 duration) { I64 o, n, message_code, arg1, arg2; PsmNote *tmpn, *tmpn1; do { message_code = MessageGet(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_MOVE); if (message_code == MESSAGE_MS_MOVE) { DrawDC2; DrawNote(psm.dc2, arg1, arg2, duration); } } while (message_code != MESSAGE_MS_L_UP); if (arg2 < 13 * FONT_HEIGHT) { if (arg1 > psm.head.last->x) tmpn1 = psm.head.last; else if (arg1 < psm.head.next->x) tmpn1 = &psm.head; else tmpn1 = PsmFindNote(arg1 - PSM_NOTE_SPACING / 2, arg2); tmpn = CAlloc(sizeof(PsmNote)); tmpn->type = PSMT_NOTE; arg2 = arg2 / 4 - 15; n = arg2 % 7; o = 4 + arg2 / -7; if (n < 0) { n += 7; o++; } n = psm_note_inverse_map[n]; if (n < 3) o--; tmpn->ona = Note2Ona(n, o); tmpn->duration = duration; PsmSetWidth(tmpn); QueueInsert(tmpn, tmpn1); psm.cur_note = tmpn->next; } DrawDC2; } U0 PsmLeftClickPickMeterBox(I64 top, I64 bottom) { I64 message_code, arg1, arg2; PsmNote *tmpn, *tmpn1; do { message_code = MessageGet(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_MOVE); if (message_code == MESSAGE_MS_MOVE) { DrawDC2; DrawTimeSignature(psm.dc2, arg1, arg2, top, bottom); } } while (message_code != MESSAGE_MS_L_UP); if (arg2 < 13 * FONT_HEIGHT) { if (arg1 >= psm.head.x) tmpn1 = psm.head.last; else if (arg1 < psm.head.next->x) tmpn1 = &psm.head; else tmpn1 = PsmFindNote(arg1 - PSM_NOTE_SPACING / 2, arg2); tmpn = CAlloc(sizeof(PsmNote)); tmpn->type = PSMT_METER; tmpn->meter_top = top; tmpn->meter_bottom = bottom; PsmSetWidth(tmpn); QueueInsert(tmpn, tmpn1); psm.cur_note = tmpn->next; } DrawDC2; } U0 PsmLeftClickStaffPtr(I64 x, I64 y) { PsmNote *tmpn, *tmpn1; I64 o, n, message_code, arg1, arg2, n_original, o_original; psm.cur_note = tmpn = PsmFindNote(x, y); if (tmpn != &psm.head) { if (tmpn->type == PSMT_NOTE) { o_original = Ona2Octave(tmpn->ona); n_original = Ona2Note(tmpn->ona); do { message_code = MessageGet(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_MOVE); if (message_code == MESSAGE_MS_L_UP) { tmpn1 = PsmFindNote(arg1, arg2); if (tmpn1 == &psm.head || tmpn1 == tmpn) goto move_note; else { Free(tmpn1->word); tmpn1->word = tmpn->word; tmpn->word = NULL; tmpn->ona = Note2Ona(n_original, o_original); } } else { move_note: arg2 = arg2 / 4 - 15; n = arg2 % 7; o = 4 + arg2 / -7; if (n < 0) { n += 7; o++; } n = psm_note_inverse_map[n]; if (n < 3) o--; tmpn->ona = Note2Ona(n, o); } } while (message_code != MESSAGE_MS_L_UP); PsmSetWidth(tmpn); } } } U0 PsmLeftClickStaffBox(I64 x, I64 y) { I64 message_code, arg1, arg2; do { message_code = MessageGet(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_MOVE); DrawDC2; psm.dc2->color = ROPF_DITHER + WHITE << 16 + BLACK; GrBorder(psm.dc2, x, y, arg1, arg2); if (message_code == MESSAGE_MS_L_UP) { if (x > arg1) SwapI64(&x, &arg1); PsmMarkSel(x, arg1, TRUE); } } while (message_code != MESSAGE_MS_L_UP); DrawDC2; } U0 PsmLeftClick(I64 x, I64 y) { I64 duration, top, bottom; if (y < 13 * FONT_HEIGHT) { if (psm.tool == PSMTT_PTR_TOOL) PsmLeftClickStaffPtr(x, y); else PsmLeftClickStaffBox(x, y); } else { duration = PsmGetPickNoteBoxDuration(x, y); if (0 <= duration < PSM_DURATIONS_NUM) PsmLeftClickPickNoteBox(duration); else if (PsmGetPickMeterBox(x, y, &top, &bottom)) PsmLeftClickPickMeterBox(top, bottom); else if (PsmGetPickToolBox(x, y)) DrawDC2; } } U8 PsmConvertDuration(F64 d) { F64 d1, d2; I64 j; for (j = 0; j < PSM_DURATIONS_NUM; j++) { d1 = psm_durations[j]; d2 = psm_durations[j + 1]; if (d < d1 * d2 / (d1 + d2)) return j; } return 0; } #define PSM_KEYS_NUM 20 class PsmKey { U8 x, w, h, ascii; }; #define PSM_W_W 16 #define PSM_W_H 36 #define PSM_B_W 8 #define PSM_B_H 20 PsmKey psm_kbd[PSM_KEYS_NUM] = { { 2 * PSM_W_W - 4, PSM_B_W, PSM_B_H, 'e' }, { 3 * PSM_W_W - 4, PSM_B_W, PSM_B_H, 'r' }, { 4 * PSM_W_W - 4, PSM_B_W, PSM_B_H, 't' }, { 6 * PSM_W_W - 4, PSM_B_W, PSM_B_H, 'u' }, { 7 * PSM_W_W - 4, PSM_B_W, PSM_B_H, 'i' }, { 9 * PSM_W_W - 4, PSM_B_W, PSM_B_H, 'p' }, {10 * PSM_W_W - 4, PSM_B_W, PSM_B_H, '[' }, {11 * PSM_W_W - 4, PSM_B_W, PSM_B_H, ']' }, { 0 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 'a' }, { 1 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 's' }, { 2 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 'd' }, { 3 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 'f' }, { 4 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 'g' }, { 5 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 'h' }, { 6 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 'j' }, { 7 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 'k' }, { 8 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, 'l' }, { 9 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, ';' }, {10 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, '\'' }, {11 * PSM_W_W, PSM_W_W, PSM_W_H, '\n'}, }; U0 PsmDownKey(I64 x, I64 y) { I64 i; PsmKey *o; y -= FONT_HEIGHT * 13; if (0 <= y < PSM_W_H) { x -= 16; for (i = 0; i < PSM_KEYS_NUM; i++) { o=&psm_kbd[i]; if (o->x <= x < o->x+o->w && y < o->h) { Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, o->ascii, 0); return; } } } } U0 PsmUpKey(I64 x, I64 y) { I64 i; PsmKey *o; y -= FONT_HEIGHT * 13; if (0 <= y < PSM_W_H) { x -= 16; for (i = 0; i < PSM_KEYS_NUM; i++) { o=&psm_kbd[i]; if (o->x <= x < o->x+o->w && y < o->h) { Message(MESSAGE_KEY_UP, o->ascii, 0); return; } } } } U0 PsmPushMode(I64 psm_octave) { Fs->win_inhibit = WIG_TASK_DEFAULT - WIF_SELF_FOCUS - WIF_SELF_BORDER - WIF_FOCUS_TASK_MENU - WIF_SELF_CTRLS; PsmMenu(psm_octave); } U0 PsmPopMode() { Fs->win_inhibit = WIG_USER_TASK_DEFAULT; DCFill; } #define PSMF_CD 1 #define PSMF_INCOMPLETE 2 U0 Psalmody(U8 *dirname="~/Psalmody") { Bool was_playing, is_null = TRUE, was_null = TRUE; I64 arg1, arg2, message_code = 0, col, ona = 0, last_ona = 0, psm_octave = 4, timeout_val, timeout_val2, old_doc_flags; U8 *filename = NULL, *st, *st2; PsmNote *tmpn; F64 psm_duration = 1.0, d, event_time = tS, note_down_time = tS; CCtrl *c = TempoNew; if (DocPut) old_doc_flags = DocPut->flags; SettingsPush; //See SettingsPush MusicSettingsReset; tempo_state.tempo = Round(TEMPO_RANGE * (music.tempo - 0.5) / 4.4); tempo_state.stacatto = Round(TEMPO_RANGE * (music.stacatto_factor - 0.12) / 0.88); if (DocPut) DocPut->flags |= DOCF_FORM; MemSet(&psm, 0, sizeof(PsmCtrl)); psm.screen_x = 0; psm.head.next = psm.head.last = &psm.head; psm.clip.next = psm.clip.last = &psm.clip; psm.cur_note = &psm.head; psm.dc2 = DCAlias; MenuPush( "File {" " New(,'.');" " ChangeDir(MESSAGE_CMD,PSMF_CD);" " Open(,CH_CTRLO);" " SaveAs(,CH_CTRLA);" " Abort(,CH_SHIFT_ESC);" " Exit(,CH_ESC);" "}" "Edit {" " Cut(,CH_CTRLX);" " Copy(,CH_CTRLC);" " Paste(,CH_CTRLV);" " RightMenu(,'\n');" " BackSpace(,CH_BACKSPACE);" " DeleteNote(,,SC_DELETE);" " ClearSong(,'.');" " Left(,,SC_CURSOR_LEFT);" " Right(,,SC_CURSOR_RIGHT);" " GoBegin(,,0x4CB0000044B);" " GoEnd(,,0x4CD0000044D);" "}" "Song {" " Play(,'x');" " Record(,'z');" " Random(,',');" " MarkIncomplete(MESSAGE_CMD,PSMF_INCOMPLETE);" "}" "Sound {" " Octave1(,'1');" " Octave2(,'2');" " Octave3(,'3');" " Octave4(,'4');" " Octave5(,'5');" " Octave6(,'6');" " Octave7(,'7');" "}" "Help {" " Help(,,SC_F1);" "}" ); psm.incomplete_entry = MenuEntryFind(Fs->cur_menu, "Song/MarkIncomplete"); psm.record_entry = MenuEntryFind(Fs->cur_menu, "Song/Record"); AutoComplete; WinBorder; WinMax; dirname = StrNew(dirname); PsmPushMode(psm_octave); col = 0; Fs->draw_it = &DrawIt; try { while (TRUE) { was_playing=FALSE; mo_start: if (mouse.pos_text.y - Fs->win_top < 18) message_code = MessageGet(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_KEY_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_R_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_MOVE | 1 << MESSAGE_CMD); else message_code = MessageGet(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_KEY_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_MOVE | 1 << MESSAGE_CMD); mo_got_message: if (message_code == MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN && arg1 == CH_SPACE && !arg2) { //The Window Mgr sets the Doc cur_entry to a button //and generates a <SPACE> when the Doc Buttons are clicked. //This is so that kbd and mouse are the same for Doc's. //We must now pass the <SPACE> onto the Doc handler. PutKey(arg1, arg2); goto mo_start; } if (message_code != MESSAGE_MS_MOVE) { DocBottom; if (was_playing || DocPut->cur_entry->y >= Fs->win_height - 2) { PsmMenu(psm_octave); col = 0; } } ona = Note2Ona(3, psm_octave + 1); //C is_null = TRUE; switch (message_code) { case MESSAGE_CMD: PsmPopMode; switch (arg1) { case PSMF_CD: st2 = dirname; if (dirname = PopUpPickDir) { Free(st2); Free(filename); filename = NULL; } else dirname = st2; break; case PSMF_INCOMPLETE: psm.incomplete_entry->checked = !psm.incomplete_entry->checked; break; } PsmPushMode(psm_octave); col = 0; break; case MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN: event_time = tS; if ('0' <= arg1 <= '9') { psm_octave = arg1 - '0'; PsmMenu(psm_octave); col = 0; } else { switch (arg1) { start: case 'a': ona -= 8; break; case 's': ona -= 7; break; case 'e': ona -= 6; break; case 'd': ona -= 5; break; case 'r': ona -= 4; break; case 'f': ona -= 3; break; case 't': ona -= 2; break; case 'g': ona--; break; case 'h': break; case 'u': ona++; break; case 'j': ona += 2; break; case 'i': ona += 3; break; case 'k': ona += 4; break; case 'l': ona += 5; break; case 'p': ona += 6; break; case ';': ona += 7; break; case '[': ona += 8; break; case '\'': ona += 9; break; case ']': ona += 10; break; case CH_SPACE: ona = 0; break; end: is_null = FALSE; break; case 0: switch (arg2.u8[0]) { case SC_CURSOR_LEFT: if (arg2 & SCF_CTRL) { while (psm.cur_note->last != &psm.head) { psm.cur_note = psm.cur_note->last; if (psm.cur_note != &psm.head) LBEqual(&psm.cur_note->flags, PSMf_SEL, arg2 & SCF_SHIFT); } } else { if (psm.cur_note->last != &psm.head) { psm.cur_note = psm.cur_note->last; if (psm.cur_note != &psm.head) LBEqual(&psm.cur_note->flags, PSMf_SEL, arg2 & SCF_SHIFT); } } break; case SC_CURSOR_RIGHT: if (arg2 & SCF_CTRL) { while (psm.cur_note != &psm.head) { if (psm.cur_note != &psm.head) LBEqual(&psm.cur_note->flags, PSMf_SEL, arg2 & SCF_SHIFT); psm.cur_note = psm.cur_note->next; } } else { if (psm.cur_note != &psm.head) { if (psm.cur_note != &psm.head) LBEqual(&psm.cur_note->flags, PSMf_SEL, arg2 & SCF_SHIFT); psm.cur_note = psm.cur_note->next; } } break; case SC_DELETE: if (arg2 & SCF_SHIFT) PsmCutToClip; else { tmpn = psm.cur_note; psm.cur_note = tmpn->next; if (tmpn != &psm.head) { QueueRemove(tmpn); PsmNoteDel(tmpn); } } break; case SC_INS: if (arg2 & SCF_SHIFT) PsmPasteClip; else if (arg2 &SCF_CTRL) PsmCopyToClip; break; case SC_F1: PsmPopMode; PopUpEd("::/Apps/Psalmody/Help.DD", Fs); PsmPushMode(psm_octave); col = 0; break; } break; case ',': Free(filename); filename = NULL; PsmPopMode; music.octave = psm_octave; if (st2 = GodSongStr) { PsmLoadSongStr(st2, &psm_octave, &psm_duration); Free(st2); } PsmPushMode(psm_octave); col = 0; break; case CH_CTRLO: PsmPopMode; RegOneTimePopUp(ARf_PSALMODY_JUKEBOX, "Sel a song and preview it.\n" "$GREEN$<SHIFT-ESC>$FG$ to load it into Psalmody.\n\n" ST_WARN_ST " Graphics and other embelishments\n" "will be lost because Psalmody can't\n" "parse CosmiC programs completely.\n"); Free(filename); filename = NULL; JukeBox(dirname, &filename); if (filename) { psm.screen_x = 0; psm_duration = 1.0; psm_octave = 4; PsmSongDel(&psm.head); psm.cur_note = &psm.head; PsmLoadSong(filename, &psm_octave, &psm_duration); psm.record_entry->checked = FALSE; psm.cur_note = psm.head.next; } PsmPushMode(psm_octave); col = 0; break; case CH_CTRLA: PsmPopMode; filename = PsmSaveSong(dirname, filename); PsmPushMode(psm_octave); break; case CH_CTRLC: PsmCopyToClip; break; case CH_CTRLV: PsmPasteClip; break; case CH_CTRLX: PsmCutToClip; break; case '.': PsmMenu(psm_octave); col = 0; Free(filename); filename = NULL; psm_duration = 1.0; psm_octave = 4; PsmSongDel(&psm.head); psm.cur_note = &psm.head; psm.screen_x = 0; break; case '\n': if (psm.cur_note != &psm.head) PsmRightClick(psm.cur_note->x, psm.cur_note->y); break; case 'x': if (was_playing) break; col = 0; psm.playing = TRUE; PsmMenu(psm_octave); tmpn = psm.cur_note; while (tmpn != &psm.head) { if (tmpn->type != PSMT_METER) { timeout_val =counts.jiffies; if (mouse.pos_text.y - Fs->win_top < 18) message_code = MessageScan(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_R_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_CMD); else message_code = MessageScan(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_CMD); if (message_code) { Sound; psm.playing = FALSE; was_playing = TRUE; if (mouse.pos_text.y - Fs->win_top >= 18 && message_code == MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN) goto mo_start; else goto mo_got_message; } psm.cur_note = tmpn; psm.screen_x += tmpn->x - 0.33 * GR_WIDTH; if (PsmHasWords(tmpn->word)) "%s", tmpn->word; Sound(tmpn->ona); music.tempo = 4.4 * tempo_state.tempo / TEMPO_RANGE + 0.5; music.stacatto_factor = 0.88 * tempo_state.stacatto / TEMPO_RANGE + 0.12; d = JIFFY_FREQ * psm_durations[tmpn->duration] / music.tempo; if (Bt(&tmpn->flags, PSMf_TIE)) { timeout_val += d; timeout_val2 = timeout_val; } else { timeout_val += d * music.stacatto_factor; timeout_val2 = timeout_val + d * (1.0 - music.stacatto_factor); } SleepUntil(timeout_val); Sound; SleepUntil(timeout_val2); } tmpn = tmpn->next; } psm.cur_note = &psm.head; psm.screen_x += psm.cur_note->x - GR_WIDTH / 2; psm.playing = FALSE; PsmMenu(psm_octave); col = 0; Sound; break; case CH_BACKSPACE: tmpn=psm.cur_note->last; if (tmpn != &psm.head) { QueueRemove(tmpn); PsmNoteDel(tmpn); } if (col) { '' CH_BACKSPACE; col--; } break; case 'z': if (psm.record_entry->checked) psm.record_entry->checked = FALSE; else { psm.record_entry->checked = TRUE; psm_duration = 1.0; psm_octave = 4; psm.screen_x = 0; } PsmMenu(psm_octave); col = 0; break; case CH_ESC: PsmPopMode; filename = PsmSaveSong(dirname, filename); PsmPushMode(psm_octave); case CH_SHIFT_ESC: goto mo_done; } } break; case MESSAGE_KEY_UP: event_time = tS; break; case MESSAGE_MS_MOVE: if (arg2 > 18 * FONT_HEIGHT) Fs->win_inhibit = WIG_USER_TASK_DEFAULT; else Fs->win_inhibit = WIG_TASK_DEFAULT - WIF_SELF_FOCUS - WIF_SELF_BORDER - WIF_FOCUS_TASK_MENU - WIF_SELF_CTRLS; break; case MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN: PsmDownKey(arg1, arg2); PsmLeftClick(arg1, arg2); break; case MESSAGE_MS_L_UP: PsmUpKey(arg1, arg2); break; default: PsmRightClick(arg1, arg2); } if (is_null) ona = 0; if (ona != last_ona || is_null != was_null) { if (!ona) { if (is_null) st = ""; else st = "R"; } else st = ListSub(Ona2Note(ona), psm_note_list); Sound(ona); if (psm.record_entry->checked) { if (!was_null) { music.tempo = 4.4 * tempo_state.tempo / TEMPO_RANGE + 0.5; music.stacatto_factor = 0.88 * tempo_state.stacatto / TEMPO_RANGE + 0.12; tmpn->duration = PsmConvertDuration(music.tempo * (event_time-note_down_time)); PsmSetWidth(tmpn); QueueInsert(tmpn, psm.cur_note->last); } if (!is_null) { note_down_time = tS; tmpn = CAlloc(sizeof(PsmNote)); tmpn->type = PSMT_NOTE; tmpn->ona = ona; if (st[1] == '#') Bts(&tmpn->flags, PSMf_SHARP); } } last_ona = ona; was_null = is_null; "%s", st; col += StrLen(st); if (col >= Fs->win_width-1) { '\n'; col = 0; } } } mo_done: MessageGet(,, 1 << MESSAGE_KEY_UP); } catch PutExcept; PsmPopMode; PsmSongDel(&psm.head); PsmSongDel(&psm.clip); TempoDel(c); DCFill; DCDel(psm.dc2); DocClear; SettingsPop; if (DocPut) DocPut->flags = DocPut->flags & ~DOCF_FORM | old_doc_flags & DOCF_FORM; Free(dirname); MenuPop; }