U0 AnimationDelaySet() { animation_delay = PopUpRangeF64(0, 100, 25, "%3f% %%", "Animation Delay\n")/100; } U0 TurnNew() { I64 i, j; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) for (i = 0; i < UNITS_NUM; i++) { units[j][i].remaining_movement = units[j][i].movement; units[j][i].fired = FALSE; } phase = PHASE_START; moving_unit = NULL; SleepUntil(message_off_timeout); message_off_timeout = counts.jiffies + JIFFY_FREQ * 2 * animation_delay + 1; Sound(74); StrPrint(message_buf, "Turn %d", ++turn); VRSetUp(0); VRSetUp(1); VisRecalc(VR_ALL_UNITS); cur_player = (turn & 1) ^ 1; enemy_player = cur_player ^ 1; } U0 PhaseNew() { cur_player ^= 1; enemy_player = cur_player ^ 1; if (++phase >= PHASE_END) { IndirectResolveAll; TurnNew; } SleepUntil(message_off_timeout); message_off_timeout = counts.jiffies + JIFFY_FREQ * 2 * animation_delay + 1; Sound(74); switch (phase) { case PHASE_INDIRECT0: case PHASE_INDIRECT1: StrPrint(message_buf, "Player %d Artillery Plot", cur_player + 1); break; case PHASE_MOVE0: case PHASE_MOVE1: StrPrint(message_buf, "Player %d Move", cur_player + 1); break; case PHASE_DIRECT0: case PHASE_DIRECT1: StrPrint(message_buf, "Player %d Fire", cur_player + 1); break; } } U0 CharDo(U8 ch) { I64 old_inhibit, old_draw_it; Bool old_cursor; switch (ch) { case CH_ESC: case CH_SHIFT_ESC: throw('ExitGame', TRUE); case CH_SPACE: throw('PhaseOvr', TRUE); case '\n': throw('NewGame', TRUE); case '1': ViewPlayerSet(0); break; case '2': ViewPlayerSet(1); break; case 'c': old_draw_it = Fs->draw_it; old_inhibit = Fs->win_inhibit; Fs->draw_it = Fs->next_settings->draw_it; Fs->win_inhibit = WIG_USER_TASK_DEFAULT; old_cursor = DocCursor(ON); DocBottom; "\n$GREEN$<SHIFT-ESC>$FG$ to return to game.\n"; View; DocBottom; DocCursor(old_cursor); Fs->win_inhibit = old_inhibit; Fs->draw_it = old_draw_it; break; case 'd': AnimationDelaySet; break; } } U0 UserCheck() { I64 ch; if (!alive_count[0] || !alive_count[1]) throw('GameOver', TRUE); if (ch = CharScan) CharDo(ch); } U0 TaskEndCB() { Sound; progress4 = progress4_max = progress1 = progress1_max = 0; Exit; } I64 PhaseDo() { I64 res = 'ExitGame'; PhaseNew; try { if (phase & ~1 == PHASE_INDIRECT) Call(player_indirect[cur_player]); else if (phase & ~1 == PHASE_MOVE) Call(player_move[cur_player]); else Call(player_direct[cur_player]); } catch { res = Fs->except_ch; Fs->catch_except = TRUE; } return res; } U0 ToTheFront() { I64 res, ch; map_dc = DCNew(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT); SettingsPush; //See SettingsPush Cd(__DIR__); Fs->win_inhibit |= WIF_SELF_MS_L | WIF_SELF_MS_R | WIG_DBL_CLICK; MenuPush( "File {" " Abort(,CH_SHIFT_ESC);" " Exit(,CH_ESC);" "}" "Play {" " EndPhase(,CH_SPACE);" " Restart(,'\n');" "}" "View {" " Player1(,'1');" " Player2(,'2');" " OddsCalculations(,'c');" " LOS(,0,SCF_SHIFT);" "}" "Settings {" " AnimationDelay(,'d');" "}" ); AutoComplete; WinBorder; WinMax; DocCursor; DocMax; Init; PlayerPick("AIs", 0); PlayerPick("AIs", 1); PopUpOk( "$PURPLE$$TX+CX,\"ToTheFront\"$$FG$\n\n" "$GREEN${Left-click}$FG$ to move or fire units.\n" "$GREEN$<SPACE>$FG$\tor $GREEN${Right-click}$FG$ to end phase.\n" "$GREEN$<SHIFT>$FG$\tto show line-of-sight.\n" "$GREEN$<ENTER>$FG$\tto start new game.\n" "$GREEN$ 1$FG$\tPlayer 1 view.\n" "$GREEN$ 2$FG$\tPlayer 2 view.\n" "$GREEN$ c$FG$\tView odds calculations.\n" "$GREEN$ d$FG$\tSet animation delay."); PaletteSetLight(FALSE); Fs->task_end_cb = &TaskEndCB; //<CTRL-ALT-x> Fs->draw_it = &DrawIt; try { do { res = PhaseDo; if (res == 'GameOver') { while (TRUE) { message_off_timeout = 0; StrCopy(message_buf, "Game Over"); Sound; ch = CharGet(, FALSE); if (ch == '\n') { CleanUp; Init; break; } else if (ch == CH_ESC || ch == CH_SHIFT_ESC) { res = 'ExitGame'; break; } else if (ch == '1') ViewPlayerSet(0); else if (ch == '2') ViewPlayerSet(1); else if (ch == 'd') AnimationDelaySet; } } else if (res == 'NewGame') { CleanUp; Init; } } while (res != 'ExitGame'); } catch PutExcept; ProgressBarsReset; SettingsPop; DCDel(map_dc); CleanUp; MenuPop; Seed; }