#help_index "Windows;Task/Delay" public U0 Refresh(I64 count = 1, Bool force = FALSE) {//Wait for 60fps WinMgr to start & finish screen refresh. //0,FALSE Count Sync to WinMgr. //0,TRUE Pump Messages. //1 Count Wait and Pump Messages. //2 Count Make Sure to do a Full Refresh //and Set Cur Pos. Bool old_full_refresh, old_idle = LBts(&Fs->task_flags, TASKf_IDLE); CDoc *old_doc = DocPut; I64 update_count; if (!count && force) LBts(&sys_semas[SEMA_JUST_PUMP_MESSAGES], 0); while (Bt(&sys_semas[SEMA_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS], 0)) { if (force && sys_winmgr_task) sys_winmgr_task->wake_jiffy = counts.jiffies; Yield; } if (count > 1 && old_doc) old_full_refresh = LBts(&old_doc->flags, DOCf_DO_FULL_REFRESH); update_count = winmgr.updates+count; while (winmgr.updates < update_count) { if (force && sys_winmgr_task) sys_winmgr_task->wake_jiffy = counts.jiffies; Sleep(1); } if (old_doc) LBEqual(&old_doc->flags, DOCf_DO_FULL_REFRESH, old_full_refresh); LBEqual(&Fs->task_flags, TASKf_IDLE, old_idle); } #help_index "Windows" I64 WinQueueIPMessages(Bool que) { static CD3I64 single_mouse = {0, 0, 0}; F64 time = tS; I64 message_code = 0, arg1, arg2, single_arg1, single_arg2; CTask *task_focus = sys_focus_task; if (task_focus && !winmgr.grab_scroll) { arg1 = mouse.pos.x - task_focus->pix_left - task_focus->scroll_x; arg2 = mouse.pos.y - task_focus->pix_top - task_focus->scroll_y; single_arg1 = single_mouse.x - task_focus->pix_left - task_focus->scroll_x; single_arg2 = single_mouse.y - task_focus->pix_top - task_focus->scroll_y; if (old_mouse.presnap.x != mouse.presnap.x || old_mouse.presnap.y != mouse.presnap.y) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_MOVE, arg1, arg2, 0); message_code = MESSAGE_MS_MOVE; } //TODO que message for mouse.pos.z? if (mouse.left_dbl_time) { if (time > mouse.left_dbl_time) { if (mouse.left_dbl) { if (!mouse.left_down_sent) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_L_D_DOWN, arg1, arg2, 0); mouse.left_down_sent = TRUE; message_code = MESSAGE_MS_L_D_DOWN; } if (!mouse.lb) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_L_D_UP, arg1, arg2, 0); mouse.left_dbl_time = 0; message_code = MESSAGE_MS_L_D_UP; } } else { if (!mouse.left_down_sent) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN, single_arg1, single_arg2, 0); mouse.left_down_sent = TRUE; message_code = MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN; } if (!mouse.lb) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_L_UP, arg1, arg2, 0); mouse.left_dbl_time = 0; message_code = MESSAGE_MS_L_UP; } } } else { if (mouse.lb && !mouse_last.lb) { mouse.left_dbl_time = time; mouse.left_dbl = TRUE; } } } else { if (TaskValidate(task_focus) && Bt(&task_focus->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_MS_L_D)) { if (mouse.lb && !mouse_last.lb) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN, arg1, arg2, 0); message_code = MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN; } else if (!mouse.lb && mouse_last.lb) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_L_UP, arg1, arg2, 0); message_code = MESSAGE_MS_L_UP; } } else { if (mouse.lb && !mouse_last.lb) { mouse.left_dbl = FALSE; mouse.left_down_sent = FALSE; mouse.left_dbl_time = time + mouse.dbl_time; single_mouse.x = mouse.pos.x; single_mouse.y = mouse.pos.y; } } } if (mouse.right_dbl_time) { if (time > mouse.right_dbl_time) { if (mouse.right_dbl) { if (!mouse.right_down_sent) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_R_D_DOWN, arg1, arg2, 0); mouse.right_down_sent = TRUE; message_code = MESSAGE_MS_R_D_DOWN; } if (!mouse.rb) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_R_D_UP, arg1, arg2, 0); mouse.right_dbl_time = 0; message_code = MESSAGE_MS_R_D_UP; } } else { if (!mouse.right_down_sent) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_R_DOWN, single_arg1, single_arg2, 0); mouse.right_down_sent = TRUE; message_code = MESSAGE_MS_R_DOWN; } if (!mouse.rb) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_R_UP, arg1, arg2, 0); mouse.right_dbl_time = 0; message_code = MESSAGE_MS_R_UP; } } } else { if (mouse.rb && !mouse_last.rb) { mouse.right_dbl_time = time; mouse.right_dbl = TRUE; } } } else { if (TaskValidate(task_focus) && Bt(&task_focus->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_MS_R_D)) { if (mouse.rb && !mouse_last.rb) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_R_DOWN, arg1, arg2, 0); message_code = MESSAGE_MS_R_DOWN; } else if (!mouse.rb && mouse_last.rb) { if (que) TaskMessage(task_focus, 0, MESSAGE_MS_R_UP, arg1, arg2, 0); message_code = MESSAGE_MS_R_UP; } } else { if (mouse.rb && !mouse_last.rb) { mouse.right_dbl = FALSE; mouse.right_down_sent = FALSE; mouse.right_dbl_time = time + mouse.dbl_time; single_mouse.x = mouse.pos.x; single_mouse.y = mouse.pos.y; } } } MemCopy(&mouse_last, &mouse, sizeof(CMouseStateGlobals)); MemCopy(&old_mouse, &mouse, sizeof(CMouseStateGlobals)); } return message_code; } U0 WinCalcIdles() { F64 calc_idle_time; I64 i, k, total_jiffies, total_jiffies_delta, idle_pt_hits[MP_PROCESSORS_NUM]; CCPU *c; CWinMgrTimingGlobals *t = winmgr.t; if ((t->calc_idle_delta_time = (calc_idle_time = tS) - t->last_calc_idle_time) > .25) { PUSHFD CLI total_jiffies = cpu_structs[0].total_jiffies; for (i = 0; i < mp_count; i++) idle_pt_hits[i] = cpu_structs[i].idle_pt_hits; POPFD total_jiffies_delta = total_jiffies - t->last_total_jiffies; for (i = 0; i < mp_count; i++) { c = &cpu_structs[i]; if (total_jiffies_delta && (k = idle_pt_hits[i] - t->last_idle_pt_hits[i]) >= 0) c->idle_factor = Clamp(ToF64(k) / total_jiffies_delta, 0.01, 0.99); else c->idle_factor = 0.01; t->last_idle_pt_hits[i] = idle_pt_hits[i]; } t->last_total_jiffies = total_jiffies; t->last_calc_idle_time = calc_idle_time; t->calc_idle_count++; } } I64 WinMgrSleep(Bool flush_messages = FALSE) { I64 timeout_val, message_code=0; CCtrl *c; Bool que; F64 t, t_delta; U8 *st; CDC *diff; CDate cdt; TimeCal; if ((t_delta = (t = tS) - winmgr.last_refresh_tS) > 0.01) winmgr.fps = Max(1.0 / t_delta, 1); else winmgr.fps = 99; winmgr.last_refresh_tS = t; WinCalcIdles; if (flush_messages) FifoI64Flush(kbd.scan_code_fifo); else if (TaskValidate(sys_focus_task)) { KbdMessagesQueue; que = TRUE; if (TaskValidate(sys_focus_task) && !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_CTRLS)) { c = sys_focus_task->next_ctrl; while (c != &sys_focus_task->next_ctrl) { if (CtrlInside(c, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y)) { que = FALSE; break; } c = c->next; } } message_code = WinQueueIPMessages(que); } else { WinRefocus(sys_focus_task); if (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task)) FifoI64Flush(kbd.scan_code_fifo); } if (sys_focus_task) LBtr(&sys_focus_task->task_flags, TASKf_HAS_SONG); WinMouseUpdate; if (!LBtr(&sys_semas[SEMA_JUST_PUMP_MESSAGES], 0)) { t = tS + WINMGR_PERIOD / 8; while (winmgr.ideal_refresh_tS < t) winmgr.ideal_refresh_tS += WINMGR_PERIOD; timeout_val = counts.jiffies + (winmgr.ideal_refresh_tS - tS) * JIFFY_FREQ; LBts(&sys_semas[SEMA_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS], 0); GrUpdateScreen; LBtr(&sys_semas[SEMA_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS], 0); if (screencast.record && !screencast.just_audio) { cdt = screencast.t0_now(I64) + ToI64(CDATE_FREQ * (tS - screencast.t0_tS)); if (!screencast.dc) { screencast.dc = DCCopy(screencast.dc2_alias); screencast.dc->cdt = cdt; st = MStrPrint(screencast.print_format, cdt); GRWrite(st, screencast.dc); Free(st); } else if (MemCompare(screencast.dc->body, screencast.dc2_alias->body, MSize(screencast.dc2_alias->body))) { diff = DCDiff(screencast.dc, screencast.dc2_alias); diff->cdt = cdt; st = MStrPrint(screencast.print_format, cdt); GRWrite(st, diff); Free(st); DCDel(diff); Free(screencast.dc->body); screencast.dc->body = MAllocIdent(screencast.dc2_alias->body); } } else if (screencast.dc) { DCDel(screencast.dc); //TODO: MemRep can crash. screencast.dc = NULL; } if (sys_focus_task && !Bt(&sys_focus_task->task_flags, TASKf_HAS_SONG)) { Free(music.cur_song); music.cur_song = NULL; } if (music.cur_song) { if (!music.cur_song_task) music.cur_song_task = Spawn(&CurSongTask, NULL, "Song"); } else if (music.cur_song_task) { Kill(music.cur_song_task); music.cur_song_task = NULL; } winmgr.updates++; if (mouse_hard.install_attempts) //Don't call before boot mouse install attempt KbdMouseHandler(FALSE, TRUE); SleepUntil(timeout_val); } return message_code; } CDoc *WinCursorPosSet(CTask *task, I64 mouse_x, I64 mouse_y, Bool set_cursor = TRUE) { CDoc *res = NULL; Bool unlock; I64 x0, y0; if (!task) task = Fs; if (WinInside(mouse_x, mouse_y, task)) { if ((res = DocDisplay(task)) && res->flags & DOCF_DONT_SHOW) res = NULL; else if (set_cursor) { unlock = DocLock(res); if (res->doc_signature != DOC_SIGNATURE_VAL) res = NULL; else { x0 = res->line_start_col; y0 = res->top_line_num; DocRecalc(res, RECALCF_HAS_CURSOR); res->x = (mouse_x-task->pix_left - task->scroll_x) / FONT_WIDTH + x0; res->y = (mouse_y-task->pix_top - task->scroll_y) / FONT_HEIGHT + y0; DocRecalc(res, RECALCt_FIND_CURSOR); task->scroll_x = 0; task->scroll_y = 0; task->scroll_z = 0; if (unlock) DocUnlock(res); } } WinToTop(task); } return res; } Bool WinKeyNavMenu() { I64 i, old_key_count; CD3I64 old_pos, new_pos; CMenu *m; CMenuEntry *tmpme; CTask *focus = MenuTask; if (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_GUI) && focus && (m = focus->cur_menu)) { winmgr.show_menu = TRUE; sys_cur_submenu_entry = NULL; old_pos.x = mouse.pos.x; old_pos.y = mouse.pos.y; mouse.pos.x = new_pos.x = mouse.pos.y = new_pos.y = 0; while (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_GUI)) { old_key_count = kbd.count; if (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_CURSOR_LEFT)) { while (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_CURSOR_LEFT) && kbd.count == old_key_count) WinMgrSleep(TRUE); if (new_pos.x) { i = 0; tmpme = m->sub; while (tmpme) { if (i + MenuEntryWidth(tmpme) * FONT_WIDTH == new_pos.x) { new_pos.x = i; break; } i += MenuEntryWidth(tmpme) * FONT_WIDTH; tmpme = tmpme->next; } } new_pos.y = 0; } else if (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_CURSOR_RIGHT)) { while (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_CURSOR_RIGHT) && kbd.count == old_key_count) WinMgrSleep(TRUE); i = 0; tmpme = m->sub; while (tmpme) { if (i == new_pos.x) { if (tmpme->next) new_pos.x = i + MenuEntryWidth(tmpme) * FONT_WIDTH; break; } i += MenuEntryWidth(tmpme) * FONT_WIDTH; tmpme = tmpme->next; } new_pos.y = 0; } else if (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_CURSOR_UP)) { while (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_CURSOR_UP) && kbd.count == old_key_count) WinMgrSleep(TRUE); new_pos.y -= FONT_HEIGHT; } else if (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_CURSOR_DOWN)) { while (Bt(kbd.down_bitmap, SC_CURSOR_DOWN) && kbd.count == old_key_count) WinMgrSleep(TRUE); new_pos.y += FONT_HEIGHT; } new_pos.x = ClampI64(new_pos.x, 0, GR_WIDTH - 1); new_pos.y = ClampI64(new_pos.y, 0, GR_HEIGHT - 1); mouse.pos.x = new_pos.x; mouse.pos.y = new_pos.y; WinMgrSleep(TRUE); if (!sys_cur_submenu_entry) mouse.pos.y = new_pos.y=0; } if (sys_cur_submenu_entry) TaskMessage(sys_focus_task, 0, sys_cur_submenu_entry->message_code, sys_cur_submenu_entry->arg1, sys_cur_submenu_entry->arg2, 0); winmgr.show_menu = FALSE; mouse.pos.x = old_pos.x; mouse.pos.y = old_pos.y; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } U0 WinMgrTask(I64) { CTask *task = Fs; CDoc *doc; CDocEntry *doc_e; I64 x, y, z, message_code, my_mouse_z = 0, left, top, old_flags = RFlagsGet; Bool has_border; CCtrl *c; WinHorz(0, TEXT_COLS - 1); WinVert(0, TEXT_ROWS - 1); LBts(&Fs->display_flags, DISPLAYf_NO_BORDER); LBts(&Fs->display_flags, DISPLAYf_SHOW); gr.dc->win_task = Fs; Fs->win_inhibit &= ~WIF_SELF_CTRLS; GrSetUpTables; screencast.dc2_alias = DCAlias(gr.dc2); WinZBufUpdate; LBts(&sys_run_level, RLf_WINMGR); while (TRUE) { try { wmt_start: if (Bt(&sys_run_level, RLf_SYSTEM_SERVER)) TaskKillDying; WinMgrSleep; task = Fs->last_task; while (TRUE) { CLI if (!TaskValidate(task)) { RFlagsSet(old_flags); goto wmt_start; } TaskDerivedValsUpdate(task, FALSE); task = task->last_task; RFlagsSet(old_flags); if (task == Fs) break; } TaskDerivedValsUpdate(Fs, FALSE); task = Fs->last_task; while (TRUE) { CLI if (!TaskValidate(task)) { RFlagsSet(old_flags); goto wmt_start; } if (WinInside(mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y, task, FONT_WIDTH)) { RFlagsSet(old_flags); break; } if (task == Fs) { //Shouldn't happen RFlagsSet(old_flags); goto wmt_start; } task = task->last_task; RFlagsSet(old_flags); } if (Bt(&task->display_flags, DISPLAYf_NO_BORDER)) has_border = FALSE; else has_border = TRUE; winmgr.show_menu = FALSE; sys_cur_submenu_entry = NULL; if (TaskValidate(sys_focus_task) && !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_MENU)) { if (WinKeyNavMenu) goto wmt_start; if (task == Fs && 0 <= mouse.pos.y < FONT_HEIGHT && mouse_hard.installed) { winmgr.show_menu = TRUE; if (mouse.lb && !old_mouse.lb) { winmgr.show_menu = TRUE; while (mouse.lb) WinMgrSleep(TRUE); if (sys_cur_submenu_entry) TaskMessage(sys_focus_task, 0, sys_cur_submenu_entry->message_code, sys_cur_submenu_entry->arg1, sys_cur_submenu_entry->arg2, 0); winmgr.show_menu = FALSE; old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } } } //grab scroll if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit, WIf_SELF_GRAB_SCROLL) && (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task)|| !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_GRAB_SCROLL)) && kbd.scan_code & SCF_CTRL && TaskValidate(task)) { winmgr.grab_scroll_closed = FALSE; winmgr.grab_scroll = TRUE; while (kbd.scan_code & SCF_CTRL && TaskValidate(task) && (!ac.task || !WinInside(mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y, ac.task, FONT_WIDTH))) { if (mouse.lb) { winmgr.grab_scroll_closed = TRUE; x = mouse.pos.x - task->scroll_x; y = mouse.pos.y - task->scroll_y; z = mouse.pos.z - task->scroll_z; while (mouse.lb && kbd.scan_code & SCF_CTRL && TaskValidate(task)) { task->scroll_x = (mouse.pos.x - x) & ~7; task->scroll_y = (mouse.pos.y-y) & ~7; task->scroll_z = mouse.pos.z-z; WinMgrSleep(TRUE); } winmgr.grab_scroll_closed = FALSE; } else if (mouse.rb) { task->scroll_x = 0; task->scroll_y = 0; task->scroll_z = 0; WinMgrSleep(TRUE); } else WinMgrSleep; } winmgr.grab_scroll = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } else winmgr.grab_scroll = FALSE; if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit, WIf_SELF_CTRLS) && (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task)|| !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_CTRLS))) { if (mouse.lb && !old_mouse.lb) { c = task->next_ctrl; while (c != &task->next_ctrl) { if (CtrlInside(c, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y)) { left = task->pix_left; top = task->pix_top; if (c->flags & CTRLF_BORDER) { left -= FONT_WIDTH; top -= FONT_HEIGHT; } if (c->flags & CTRLF_CAPTURE_LEFT_MS) { while (mouse.lb && TaskValidate(task)) { if (c->left_click) (*c->left_click)(c, mouse.pos.x - left, mouse.pos.y - top, TRUE); WinMgrSleep; } if (c->left_click) (*c->left_click)(c, mouse.pos.x - left, mouse.pos.y - top, FALSE); old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } else { if (c->left_click) (*c->left_click)(c, mouse.pos.x - left, mouse.pos.y - top, TRUE); old_mouse.lb = TRUE; goto wmt_start; } } c = c->next; } } if (old_mouse.lb && !mouse.lb) { c = task->next_ctrl; while (c != &task->next_ctrl) { if (CtrlInside(c, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y)) { left = task->pix_left; top = task->pix_top; if (c->flags & CTRLF_BORDER) { left -= FONT_WIDTH; top -= FONT_HEIGHT; } if (c->left_click) (*c->left_click)(c, mouse.pos.x - left, mouse.pos.y - top, FALSE); old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } c = c->next; } } if (mouse.rb && !old_mouse.rb) { c = task->next_ctrl; while (c != &task->next_ctrl) { if (CtrlInside(c, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y)) { left = task->pix_left; top = task->pix_top; if (c->flags & CTRLF_BORDER) { left -= FONT_WIDTH; top -= FONT_HEIGHT; } if (c->flags & CTRLF_CAPTURE_RIGHT_MS) { while (mouse.rb && TaskValidate(task)) { if (c->right_click) (*c->right_click)(c, mouse.pos.x - left, mouse.pos.y - top, TRUE); WinMgrSleep; } if (c->right_click) (*c->right_click)(c, mouse.pos.x - left, mouse.pos.y - top, FALSE); old_mouse.rb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } else { if (c->right_click) (*c->right_click)(c, mouse.pos.x - left, mouse.pos.y - top, TRUE); old_mouse.rb = TRUE; goto wmt_start; } } c = c->next; } } if (old_mouse.rb && !mouse.rb) { c = task->next_ctrl; while (c != &task->next_ctrl) { if (CtrlInside(c, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y)) { left = task->pix_left; top = task->pix_top; if (c->flags & CTRLF_BORDER) { left -= FONT_WIDTH; top -= FONT_HEIGHT; } if (c->right_click) (*c->right_click)(c, mouse.pos.x - left, mouse.pos.y - top, FALSE); old_mouse.rb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } c = c->next; } } if (mouse.has_wheel && my_mouse_z != mouse.pos.z) { if (task == sys_focus_task) { c = task->next_ctrl; while (c != &task->next_ctrl) { if (c->wheel_chg) { (*c->wheel_chg)(c, mouse.pos.z - my_mouse_z); my_mouse_z = mouse.pos.z; goto wmt_start; } c = c->next; } my_mouse_z = mouse.pos.z; } else if (!sys_focus_task) my_mouse_z = mouse.pos.z; } } if (task == Fs) goto wmt_start; if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit, WIf_SELF_MS_L) && (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task) || !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_MS_L))) { if (!old_mouse.lb && mouse.lb) { if (doc = WinCursorPosSet(task, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y)) { DocLock(doc); if (doc->doc_signature == DOC_SIGNATURE_VAL) { doc_e = doc->cur_entry; if (doc_e != doc) { if (doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_HAS_BORDER) doc_e->de_flags |= DOCEF_SOLID_BORDER; } } DocUnlock(doc); old_mouse.lb = TRUE; goto wmt_start; } } } if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit, WIf_SELF_MS_R) && (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task) || !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_MS_R))) { if (!old_mouse.rb && mouse.rb) { if (WinCursorPosSet(task, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y)) { old_mouse.rb = TRUE; goto wmt_start; } } } if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit, WIf_SELF_BORDER) && has_border && (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task) || !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_BORDER))) { if (old_mouse.lb && !mouse.lb) { if (mouse.pos_text.y == task->win_top - 1) { if (task->win_left <= mouse.pos_text.x < task->win_left + 4) { TaskMessage(task, 0, MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, CH_CTRLM, 0x43200000432, 0); old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } else if (task->win_right - 2 <= mouse.pos_text.x <= task->win_right) { if (DocPut(task)) TaskMessage(task, 0, MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, CH_SHIFT_ESC, 0, 0); else Kill(task, FALSE); old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } } } } if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit, WIf_SELF_MS_L) && (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task) || !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_MS_L))) { if (old_mouse.lb && !mouse.lb) { if (doc = WinCursorPosSet(task, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y, FALSE)) { do message_code = WinMgrSleep; while (TaskValidate(task) && (mouse.lb || mouse.left_dbl_time)); if (TaskValidate(task)) { if (message_code == MESSAGE_MS_L_UP) { if (doc->doc_signature == DOC_SIGNATURE_VAL) { DocLock(doc); if (TaskValidate(task)) { if (doc->doc_signature == DOC_SIGNATURE_VAL) { doc_e = doc->cur_entry; if (doc_e!=doc) { if (doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_HAS_BORDER) doc_e->de_flags &= ~DOCEF_SOLID_BORDER; if (doc_e->de_flags & (DOCEF_TREE | DOCEF_LIST | DOCEF_LINK | DOCEF_CHECK_COLLAPSABLE | DOCEF_LEFT_CB | DOCEF_LEFT_MACRO | DOCEF_LEFT_EXP)) { TaskMessage(task, 0, MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, CH_SPACE, 0, 0); } } } DocUnlock(doc); } } } else if (message_code == MESSAGE_MS_L_D_UP) TaskMessage(task, 0, MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, CH_ESC, 0, 0); } old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } } } if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit,WIf_SELF_MS_R)&& (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task) || !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_MS_R))) { if (old_mouse.rb && !mouse.rb) { if (doc = WinCursorPosSet(task, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y, FALSE)) { do message_code = WinMgrSleep; while (TaskValidate(task) && (mouse.rb || mouse.right_dbl_time)); if (TaskValidate(task)) { if (message_code == MESSAGE_MS_R_UP) { if (doc->doc_signature == DOC_SIGNATURE_VAL) { DocLock(doc); if (TaskValidate(task)) { if (doc->doc_signature == DOC_SIGNATURE_VAL) { doc_e = doc->cur_entry; if (doc_e != doc) { if (doc_e->de_flags & (DOCEF_LINK | DOCEF_RIGHT_CB | DOCEF_RIGHT_MACRO | DOCEF_RIGHT_EXP)) { TaskMessage(task, 0, MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, '\n', 0, 0); } } } DocUnlock(doc); } } } else if (message_code == MESSAGE_MS_R_D_UP) TaskMessage(task, 0, MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, CH_SHIFT_ESC, 0, 0); } old_mouse.rb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } } } if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit,WIf_SELF_BORDER) && has_border && (!TaskValidate(sys_focus_task) || !Bt(&sys_focus_task->win_inhibit, WIf_FOCUS_TASK_BORDER))) { if (mouse.lb && !old_mouse.lb) { if (task->win_top == mouse.pos_text.y + 1 && task->win_left - 1 <= mouse.pos_text.x <= task->win_right + 1) { if (task->win_left <= mouse.pos_text.x < task->win_left + 4) { old_mouse.lb = TRUE; goto wmt_start; } if (task->win_right - 2 <= mouse.pos_text.x <= task->win_right) { old_mouse.lb = TRUE; goto wmt_start; } x = mouse.pos_text.x - task->win_left; if (mouse.lb) { WinToTop(task); while (mouse.lb && TaskValidate(task)) { WinHorz(mouse.pos_text.x - x, task->win_width - 1 + mouse.pos_text.x - x, task); WinVert(mouse.pos_text.y + 1, task->win_height + mouse.pos_text.y, task); WinMgrSleep; } } old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } if (task->win_left == mouse.pos_text.x + 1 && task->win_top - 1 <= mouse.pos_text.y <= task->win_bottom + 1) { y = mouse.pos_text.y - task->win_top; if (mouse.lb) { WinToTop(task); while (mouse.lb && TaskValidate(task)) { WinHorz(mouse.pos_text.x + 1, task->win_width + mouse.pos_text.x, task); WinVert(mouse.pos_text.y - y, task->win_height - 1 + mouse.pos_text.y - y, task); WinMgrSleep; } } old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } if (task->win_right + 1 == mouse.pos_text.x && task->win_bottom + 1 == mouse.pos_text.y) { if (mouse.lb) { WinToTop(task); while (mouse.lb && TaskValidate(task)) { WinHorz(task->win_left, mouse.pos_text.x - 1, task); WinVert(task->win_top, mouse.pos_text.y - 1, task); WinMgrSleep; } } old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } if (task->win_bottom == mouse.pos_text.y - 1 && task->win_left <= mouse.pos_text.x <= task->win_right) { if (mouse.lb) { WinToTop(task); while (mouse.lb && TaskValidate(task)) { WinVert(task->win_top, mouse.pos_text.y - 1, task); WinMgrSleep; } } old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } if (task->win_right == mouse.pos_text.x - 1 && task->win_top <= mouse.pos_text.y <= task->win_bottom) { if (mouse.lb) { WinToTop(task); while (mouse.lb && TaskValidate(task)) { WinHorz(task->win_left, mouse.pos_text.x - 1, task); WinMgrSleep; } } old_mouse.lb = FALSE; goto wmt_start; } } } } catch { Beep; Fs->catch_except = TRUE; task = Fs; } } }