#help_index "Graphics/Math/3D Transformation" #help_file "::/Doc/Transform" #define GR_SCALE (1<<32) public U0 Mat4x4MulXYZ(I64 *r, I64 *_x, I64 *_y, I64 *_z) {//Rotate 3D point using 4x4 matrix. Uses fixed-point. I64 x1, y1, z1, xx = *_x, yy = *_y, zz = *_z; x1 = (r[0 * 4 + 0] * xx + r[0 * 4 + 1] * yy + r[0 * 4 + 2] * zz + r[0 * 4 + 3]) >> 32; y1 = (r[1 * 4 + 0] * xx + r[1 * 4 + 1] * yy + r[1 * 4 + 2] * zz + r[1 * 4 + 3]) >> 32; z1 = (r[2 * 4 + 0] * xx + r[2 * 4 + 1] * yy + r[2 * 4 + 2] * zz + r[2 * 4 + 3]) >> 32; *_x = x1; *_y = y1; *_z = z1; } public U0 DCTransform(CDC *dc, I64 *_x, I64 *_y, I64 *_z) {//This is the default dc->transform() callback. //Uses fixed-point. Mat4x4MulXYZ(dc->r, _x, _y, _z); *_x += dc->x; *_y += dc->y; *_z += dc->z; } public I64 *Mat4x4IdentEqu(I64 *r) {//Set matrix to identity. Uses fixed-point. MemSet(r, 0, sizeof(I64)*16); r[0 * 4 + 0].i32[1] = 1; r[1 * 4 + 1].i32[1] = 1; r[2 * 4 + 2].i32[1] = 1; r[3 * 4 + 3].i32[1] = 1; return r; } public I64 *Mat4x4IdentNew(CTask *mem_task=NULL) {//MAlloc an identity matrix. Uses fixed-point. return Mat4x4IdentEqu(MAlloc(sizeof(I64) * 16, mem_task)); } public I64 Mat4x4NormSqr65536(I64 *r) {//Norm Squared of r. //(1.0/Sqrt(3))*65536=37837.22 return SqrI64((r[0 * 4 + 0] * 37838 + r[0 * 4 + 1] * 37838 + r[0 * 4 + 2] * 37838) >> 32) + SqrI64((r[1 * 4 + 0] * 37837 + r[1 * 4 + 1] * 37837 + r[1 * 4 + 2] * 37837) >> 32) + SqrI64((r[2 * 4 + 0] * 37837 + r[2 * 4 + 1] * 37837 + r[2 * 4 + 2] * 37837) >> 32); } public U0 DCMat4x4Set(CDC *dc=NULL, I64 *r) {//Set device context's rot matrix. Will be Freed() in DCDel().Uses fixed-point. //The main purpose is to set matrix norm for thick scaling. //NULL as dc means gr.dc if (!dc) dc = gr.dc; dc->r = r; dc->r_norm = Sqrt(Mat4x4NormSqr65536(r)) * 65536; //scaled 32 bits } #help_index "Graphics/Mesh" public U0 DCLighting(CDC *dc, CD3I32 *p1, CD3I32 *p2, CD3I32 *p3, CColorROPU32 color) {//This is the default dc->lighting() callback. CD3I32 v1, v2; I64 i, vn_x, vn_y, vn_z; F64 d; v1.x = p1->x - p2->x; v1.y = p1->y - p2->y; v1.z = p1->z - p2->z; v2.x = p3->x - p2->x; v2.y = p3->y - p2->y; v2.z = p3->z - p2->z; //V1 and V2 are vects along two sides //of the tri joined at p2. vn_x = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y; vn_y = v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z; vn_z = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x; if (d =Sqrt(SqrI64(vn_x) + SqrI64(vn_y) + SqrI64(vn_z))) d = 1 << 16 / d; vn_x *= d; vn_y *= d; vn_z *= d; //Vn is the cross product of V1 and V3 //which means it is perpendicular. It //is the normal vect to the surface. //It has been scaled to length 65536. //Light source has been scaled to length 65536. i = (vn_x * dc->ls.x + vn_y * dc->ls.y + vn_z * dc->ls.z) >> 16; //The dot product of the light source //vect and the surface normal //gives an illumination number. //65536*65536>>16=65536 //ZealOS will generate a random U16 //and compare to dither_probability_u16 and //will pick from two colors. //Probability dithering does not work with thick>1 at this time. if (color.c0.rop & ROPBF_TWO_SIDED) { color.c0.rop &= ~ROPBF_TWO_SIDED; i = AbsI64(i) << 1; } else i += 65536; if (color.c0.rop & ROPBF_HALF_RANGE_COLOR) { color.c0.rop &= ~ROPBF_HALF_RANGE_COLOR; i >>= 1; if (color >= 8) { color -= 8; i += 65536; } } if (i < 65536) { dc->color = ROPF_PROBABILITY_DITHER + color << 16 + BLACK; dc->dither_probability_u16 = i; } else { dc->color = ROPF_PROBABILITY_DITHER + (color ^ 8) << 16 + color; dc->dither_probability_u16 = i - 65536; } } #help_index "Graphics/Device Contexts" public U0 DCFill(CDC *dc=NULL, CColorROPU32 val=TRANSPARENT) {//Fill entire device context with color. if (!dc) dc = gr.dc; MemSet(dc->body, val, dc->width_internal * dc->height); } public U0 DCClear(CDC *dc=NULL) {//Set entire device context image body to 0 (BLACK). if (!dc) dc = gr.dc; DCFill(dc, 0); } public U0 DCReset(CDC *dc) {//Reset CDC structure members but not image body, itself. dc->color = BLACK; dc->color2 = BLACK; dc->bkcolor = BLACK; dc->collision_count = 0; dc->thick = 1; dc->ls.x = 37837; //1<<16/Sqrt(3) dc->ls.y = 37837; dc->ls.z = 37837; dc->x = 0; dc->y = 0; dc->z = 0; dc->transform = &DCTransform; dc->lighting = &DCLighting; Mat4x4IdentEqu(dc->r); dc->r_norm = GR_SCALE; dc->flags &= ~(DCF_SYMMETRY | DCF_TRANSFORMATION | DCF_JUST_MIRROR); MemCopy(dc->palette, gr32_palette_std, sizeof(CBGR24) * COLORS_NUM); } public U0 DCExtentsInit(CDC *dc=NULL) {//Init markers for extent of next newly drawn graphics. //NULL means gr.dc //See ::/Demo/Graphics/Extents.CC //You should clear the record flag yourself if (!dc) dc = gr.dc; dc->flags |= DCF_RECORD_EXTENTS; dc->min_x = I64_MAX; dc->max_x = I64_MIN; dc->min_y = I64_MAX; dc->max_y = I64_MIN; } public CDC *DCAlias(CDC *dc=NULL, CTask *task=NULL) {//Create alias of dc, so can change pen, color, etc. //NULL means gr.dc CDC *res; if (!dc) dc = gr.dc; if (!task) task = Fs; if (dc->dc_signature != DCS_SIGNATURE_VAL) throw('Graphics'); res = MAlloc(sizeof(CDC), task); MemCopy(res, dc, sizeof(CDC)); res->win_task = res->mem_task = task; res->r = MAlloc(16 * sizeof(I64), task); DCReset(res); res->flags |= DCF_ALIAS; res->alias = dc; return res; } public CDC *DCNew(I64 width, I64 height, CTask *task=NULL, Bool null_bitmap=FALSE) {//Create new width x height device context. //Internally only allows widths which are divisible by 8. //Don't forget these sizeof(CDC). CDC *res; if (!task) task = Fs; res=CAlloc(sizeof(CDC), task); res->win_task = task; res->mem_task = task; res->width = width; res->width_internal = (width + 7) & ~7; res->height = height; if (null_bitmap) res->flags |= DCF_DONT_DRAW; else res->body = CAlloc(res->width_internal * res->height, task); res->r = MAlloc(16 * sizeof(I64), task); DCReset(res); res->dc_signature = DCS_SIGNATURE_VAL; return res; } public U0 DCDel(CDC *dc) {//Free dc, image body, rot mat and depth buf. if (!dc) return; if (dc->dc_signature != DCS_SIGNATURE_VAL) throw('Graphics'); dc->dc_signature = 0; Free(dc->r); if (!(dc->flags & DCF_ALIAS)) Free(dc->body); Free(dc->depth_buf); Free(dc); } public I64 DCSize(CDC *dc) {//Mem size of header, image body and depth buffer. if (dc) return MSize2(dc) + MSize2(dc->body) + MSize2(dc->depth_buf); else return 0; } public I32 *DCDepthBufReset(CDC *dc) {//Reset device context depth buf to far away. if (dc->depth_buf) MemSetU32(dc->depth_buf, I32_MAX, dc->width_internal * dc->height); return dc->depth_buf; } public I32 *DCDepthBufAlloc(CDC *dc) {//Alloc a 32-bit depth buffer for device context. Free(dc->depth_buf); dc->depth_buf = MAlloc(dc->width_internal * dc->height * sizeof(I32), dc->mem_task); return DCDepthBufReset(dc); } public CDC *DCCopy(CDC *dc, CTask *task=NULL) {//Alloc copy of dc, including image body, rot mat and depth buf. CDC *res; if (!dc) return NULL; if (dc->dc_signature != DCS_SIGNATURE_VAL) throw('Graphics'); res = MAllocIdent(dc, task); DCMat4x4Set(res, Mat4x4New(dc->r, task)); res->mem_task = task; res->body = MAllocIdent(dc->body, task); res->depth_buf = MAllocIdent(dc->depth_buf, task); return res; } public U0 DCMono(CDC *dc, I64 quest=TRANSPARENT, I64 true_color=0, I64 false_color=COLOR_MONO) {//Set entire device context to one of two colors. I64 i; U8 *dst; dst = dc->body; i = dc->width_internal * dc->height; while (i--) if (*dst == quest) *dst++ = true_color; else *dst++ = false_color; } public I64 DCColorChange(CDC *dc, I64 src_color, I64 dst_color=TRANSPARENT) {//Find and replace src color with dst in device context. I64 i, res = 0; U8 *dst; dst = dc->body; i = dc->width_internal * dc->height; while (i--) if (*dst == src_color) { *dst++ = dst_color; res++; } else dst++; return res; } public U8 *DCSave(CDC *dc, I64 *_size=NULL, I64 dcsf_flags=NONE) {//Stores device context to mem, perhaps, with compression. U8 *res, *ptr, *body; I64 body_size = dc->width_internal * dc->height, total_size, flags; CBGR24 palette[COLORS_NUM]; body = dc->body; total_size = offset(CDC.end) - offset(CDC.start) + body_size; flags = 0; if (dcsf_flags & DCSF_PALETTE_GET) GrPaletteGet(palette); else MemCopy(palette, &dc->palette, COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24)); if (MemCompare(palette, gr32_palette_std, COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24))) { flags |= DCF_PALETTE; total_size += COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24); } ptr = res = MAlloc(total_size); #assert !offset(CDC.start) MemCopy(ptr, &dc->start, offset(CDC.end) - offset(CDC.start)); ptr(CDC *)->flags = flags; ptr += offset(CDC.end) - offset(CDC.start); #assert offset(CDC.end) == offset(CDC.palette) if (flags & DCF_PALETTE) { MemCopy(ptr, palette, COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24)); ptr += COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24); } MemCopy(ptr, body, body_size); ptr += body_size; if (_size) *_size = total_size; return res; } public CDC *DCLoad(U8 *src, I64 *_size=NULL, CTask *task=NULL) {//Loads device context from mem. CDC *res; U8 *ptr = src; I64 body_size; if (!task) task = Fs; res = CAlloc(sizeof(CDC), task); res->win_task = task; res->mem_task = task; MemCopy(&res->start, ptr, offset(CDC.end) - offset(CDC.start)); ptr += offset(CDC.end) - offset(CDC.start); if (res->flags & DCF_PALETTE) { MemCopy(&res->palette, ptr, COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24)); ptr += COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24); } else MemCopy(&res->palette, gr32_palette_std, COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24)); body_size = res->width_internal * res->height; res->body = MAlloc(body_size, task); MemCopy(res->body, ptr, body_size); ptr += body_size; res->thick = 1; res->r = Mat4x4IdentNew(task); res->r_norm.u32[1] = 1; res->dc_signature = DCS_SIGNATURE_VAL; if (_size) *_size = ptr - src; return res; } #help_index "Graphics/GR Files" #help_file "::/Doc/GRFiles" #help_index "Graphics/Device Contexts;Graphics/GR Files" #define GR_FILE_MAX (offset(CDC.end) - offset(CDC.start) + COLORS_NUM * sizeof(CBGR24) + GR_WIDTH * GR_HEIGHT) public I64 GRWrite(U8 *filename, CDC *dc, I64 dcsf_flags=NONE) {//ZealOS GR File. I64 size; U8 *st = ExtDefault(filename, "GR"), *src = DCSave(dc, &size, dcsf_flags); FileWrite(st, src, size); Free(st); Free(src); return size; } public CDC *GRRead(U8 *filename, CTask *task=NULL) {//ZealOS GR File. CDC *dc = NULL; U8 *st = ExtDefault(filename, "GR"), *src = FileRead(st); if (src) dc = DCLoad(src,, task); Free(src); Free(st); return dc; } #help_index "Graphics/Sprite;Graphics/GR Files;DolDoc/Output;StdOut/DolDoc" public U0 DocGR(CDoc *doc=NULL, U8 *filename) {//Put a GR file into a document as asprite. CDC *dc = GRRead(filename); CSprite *elems = DC2Sprite(dc); DocSprite(doc, elems); Free(elems); DCDel(dc); } #help_index "Graphics/Device Contexts;Graphics/Screen" public CDC *DCScreenCapture(Bool include_zoom=TRUE, CTask *task=NULL) {//Capture screen to a device context. CDC *dc; U8 *dst; Refresh(0, FALSE); if (include_zoom) dc = DCCopy(gr.screen_image, task); else dc = DCCopy(gr.dc1, task); dc->flags &= ~DCF_SCREEN_BITMAP; dst = MAlloc(dc->width_internal * dc->height, task); //Pick background color that never occurs. COLOR_INVALID GrBitMap4ToBitMap8(dst, dc->body, (dc->width_internal * dc->height) >> 1, COLOR_INVALID); Free(dc->body); dc->body = dst; return dc; }