<1>/* Graphics Not Rendered in HTML */ #define STRING_CENTER_X_OFFSET 6 #define STRING_CENTER_Y_OFFSET 80 #define DISPLAY_RECT_HEIGHT 8 #define WIN_TOP TEXT_ROWS / 3 // each 1 represents #define WIN_LEFT TEXT_COLS / 3 // 8 pixels. DefineListLoad("ST_MOTTOS", "Powered by Cosmic Divinity\0" "Divine Intellect Inside\0" "Professional Recreation\0" "Enlightenment By Code\0" "LoseThos Resurrected\0" "Unrestricted Potential\0" "Ring-0 64-Bit Operating System\0" "Simplicity Perfected\0"); Sleep((Now + counts.timer) & 0x7F); // increase entropy of motto selection U8* display_string = MStrPrint("%S", "DD_OS_NAME_VERSION"); U8* motto_string = MStrPrint("%Z", RandU8 % DefineCount("ST_MOTTOS"), "ST_MOTTOS"); I64 display_string_offset = StrLen(display_string) / 2 * 8 - STRING_CENTER_X_OFFSET; I64 motto_string_offset = StrLen(motto_string) / 2 * 8; I64 splash_r[4][4]; U0 DrawIt(CTask *,CDC *dc) { I64 *old_r = dc->r; I64 screen_center_x_pix = GR_WIDTH / 2; // each 1 represents I64 screen_center_y_pix = (GR_HEIGHT / 2); // single pixels. dc->x = screen_center_x_pix - (WIN_LEFT * 8); // to plot in the center, we put dc at the screen center in pixels, dc->y = screen_center_y_pix - (WIN_TOP * 8); // minus the window position (times 8 since win row/col variables are 1:8 ratio.) dc->z = GR_Z_ALL; // the result is the position in the current window that aligns to center of screen. dc->flags |= DCF_TRANSFORMATION; DCDepthBufAlloc(dc); DCMat4x4Set(dc, splash_r); //This assigns to dc->r and sets r_norm. DCDepthBufReset(dc); Sprite3(dc, 0, 0, 0, <1>); // plot the sprite directly at the position of dc. dc->color = DKGRAY; GrRect(dc, dc->x - display_string_offset, dc->y - STRING_CENTER_Y_OFFSET, StrLen(display_string) * 8, DISPLAY_RECT_HEIGHT); dc->color = BLACK; GrPrint(dc, dc->x - display_string_offset, dc->y - STRING_CENTER_Y_OFFSET, display_string); dc->color = DKGRAY; GrRect(dc, dc->x - motto_string_offset, dc->y + STRING_CENTER_Y_OFFSET, StrLen(motto_string) * 8, DISPLAY_RECT_HEIGHT); dc->color = BLACK; GrPrint(dc, dc->x - motto_string_offset, dc->y + STRING_CENTER_Y_OFFSET, motto_string); dc->r = old_r; } U0 DrawNoMouse(CDC *dc,I64 x,I64 y) { no_warn dc, x, y; } U0 ZSplash() { F64 theta = 0.3, phi = 0; CTask *bg_task = User; WinToTop(bg_task); WinBorder(, bg_task); WinMax(bg_task); DocClear(bg_task->put_doc); Bts(&bg_task->put_doc->flags, DOCf_HIDE_CURSOR); AutoComplete(OFF); WinToTop; Fs->win_top = WIN_TOP; Fs->win_left = WIN_LEFT; Fs->win_right = WIN_LEFT * 2; Fs->win_bottom = WIN_TOP * 2; Fs->draw_it = &DrawIt; DocClear(Fs->border_doc, TRUE); StrCopy(Fs->task_title, display_string); gr.fp_draw_mouse = &DrawNoMouse; Bts(&Fs->put_doc->flags, DOCf_HIDE_CURSOR); MouseHardEnable(FALSE); while (!CharScan) { Mat4x4IdentEqu(splash_r); Mat4x4RotY(splash_r, phi); Mat4x4RotX(splash_r, theta); Sleep(20); phi += .03; WinToTop; } gr.fp_draw_mouse = &DrawStdMouse; MouseHardEnable(TRUE); FlushMessages; Kill(bg_task); AutoComplete(ON); } ZSplash;