asm {/* See ::/Doc/Boot.DD.
ZealOS starts in real, calls some BIOS routines, switches to 32 bit, and 64 bit mode and continues in CosmiC at KMain().

The boot loader jumps here in real-mode (16-bit).
It actually jumps to the CBinFile header which is placed just before this by the compiler.
The header begins with a short jmp to the start of this file's code which begins with the following small jump past some data.

This file is first in the Kernel image because it is #included first.  Kernel.PRJ
SYS_KERNEL:: //This must match CKernel.
                JMP             I16 CORE0_16BIT_INIT

//      ASM Global vars required for 16-bit start-up
                ALIGN   4, OC_NOP

SYS_BOOT_SRC::                          DU32    BOOT_SRC_NULL;
SYS_BOOT_BLK::                          DU32    0;
SYS_RUN_LEVEL::                         DU32    0;

        StreamPrint("SYS_COMPILE_TIME:: DU64 0x%X;", Now); //See IDEBootDVDProbe

#assert SYS_COMPILE_TIME + sizeof(CDate) + sizeof(CBinFile) < DVD_BLK_SIZE

MEM_BOOT_BASE::                 DU32    0;      //Offset from start used by reboot
MEM_E801::                              DU16    0, 0;
MEM_E820::                              DU8     MEM_E820_ENTRIES_NUM * sizeof(CMemE820) DUP (0);
SYS_GDT_PTR::                   DU16    sizeof(CGDT) - 1;
                                                DU64    0;
SYS_PCI_BUSES::                 DU16    0;

                ALIGN   16, OC_NOP

GDT_NULL:               DU64    0,0;
GDT_BOOT_DS:    DU64    0x00CF92000000FFFF, 0; //Gets patched.
GDT_BOOT_CS:    DU64    0x00CF9A000000FFFF, 0; //Gets patched.
GDT_CS32:               DU64    0x00CF9A000000FFFF, 0;
GDT_CS64:               DU64    0x00209A0000000000, 0; //The Charter says just ring0.
GDT_CS64_RING3: DU64    0x0020FA0000000000, 0; //Ring3, so you can play with.
GDT_DS:                 DU64    0x00CF92000000FFFF, 0;
GDT_DS_RING3:   DU64    0x00CFF2000000FFFF, 0;
GDT_TR:                 DU8     MP_PROCESSORS_NUM * 16 DUP(0);
#assert $ - SYS_GDT == sizeof(CGDT)

SYS_FONT_PTR::  DU32    0;

SYS_VBE_INFO::                  DU8     sizeof(CVBEInfo)                                                DUP(0);
SYS_VBE_MODES::                 DU8     sizeof(CVBEModeShort) * VBE_MODES_NUM   DUP(0);
SYS_VBE_FINAL_MODE::    DU8     sizeof(CVBEMode)                                                DUP(0);
SYS_VBE_FINAL_MODE_NUM::DU16    0; //mode number of final mode set
#assert $ - SYS_KERNEL == sizeof(CKernel) - sizeof(CBinFile)

TEMP_VBE_MODE:          DU8     sizeof(CVBEMode)                DUP(0);
MAX_VBE_MODE:           DU8     sizeof(CVBEModeShort)   DUP(0);
MAX_SCREEN_HEIGHT:      DU16    0;

        StreamPrint("SCREEN_WIDTH:      DU16            %d;"
                                "SCREEN_HEIGHT: DU16            %d;", kernel_config->screen_width, kernel_config->screen_height);

//EAX is SYS_BOOT_SRC. (Val passed from boot blk, BootHD, BootDVD, & BootRAM.)
                MOV             ECX, EAX
                MOV             AX, (BOOT_RAM_LIMIT - BOOT_STACK_SIZE) / 16
                MOV             SS, AX
                MOV             SP, BOOT_STACK_SIZE
                PUSH    ECX             //Will be SYS_BOOT_SRC. See BootHD, BootDVD & BootRAM.
                PUSH    EBX
                CALL    U16 GET_IP
                SUB     BX, GET_IP
                SHR     BX, 4
                MOV     AX, CS
                ADD     AX, BX
                PUSH    AX
                PUSH    U16 @@04

@@04:   STI
                MOV     AX, CS
                MOV     DS, AX
                MOV     U32 [SYS_RUN_LEVEL], RLF_16BIT

//Our variables are on the data segment, but VBE functions require ES.
//moving DS into ES, while preserving ES
                PUSH    ES
                PUSH    DS
                POP     ES

//Get VBE implementation information
                MOV             AX, 0x4F00
                MOV             DI, SYS_VBE_INFO
                MOV             CVBEInfo.signature[DI], 'VBE2' //set to 'VBE2' to use VBE 2.0 functionality
                INT             0x10
                POP             ES
                CMP             AX, 0x004F
                JE              @@05
                JMP             $       //Freeze system if VBE not supported


/*Loop variables:
 DI <- Temporary storage for mode information
 CX <- Mode number
 DX <- mode array
 GS <- Segment for video modes list
 SI <- Offset for video modes list
//Obtain segment:offset of list of potential video modes
                MOV             AX, SYS_VBE_INFO
                MOV             SI, CVBEInfo.video_modes[AX]
                MOV             GS, CVBEInfo.video_modes+2[AX]
                MOV             DI, TEMP_VBE_MODE
                MOV             DX, SYS_VBE_MODES

@@06: //Loop through all the mode numbers
                MOV     AX, GS:[SI]
                CMP     AX, 0xFFFF //FFFF signifies the end of the list
                JE              @@08

                ADD     SI, 2 //Increment pointer to read next U16 mode

                MOV     CX, AX
                BTS     CX, 14 //Set linear framebuffer bit in the mode number we are about to pass to the BIOS below
                PUSH    ES
                PUSH    DS
                POP     ES
//Get mode information for mode number
                MOV             AX, 0x4F01
                INT             0x10
                POP             ES
                CMP             AX, 0x004F
                JNE             @@06 //if call to get mode information failed

//filter everything but 32-bit color
                MOV     AL, CVBEMode.bpp[DI]
                CMP     AL, 32
                JNE     @@06

//Check if the mode is actually supported
                MOV     AX, CVBEMode.attributes[DI]
                AND     AX, 0x91 //bit 0 = supported, bit 4 = graphics mode, bit 7 = linear framebuffer
                CMP     AX, 0x91
                JNE     @@06

//Only want memory model of packed pixel or direct color (RGB)
//              MOV     AX, CVBEMode.memory_model[DI]
//              CMP     AX, 4
//              JNE     @@06
//              CMP     AX, 6
//              JNE     @@06
//Copy information about this mode into an element of the mode array
                MOV     BX, CVBEMode.height[DI]
                MOV     CVBEModeShort.height[DX], BX
                CMP     BX, [MAX_SCREEN_HEIGHT]
                JL              @@07

                MOV             [MAX_SCREEN_HEIGHT], BX
                MOV             [MAX_VBE_MODE],      CX

@@07:   MOV             AX, CVBEMode.width[DI]
                MOV             CVBEModeShort.width[DX], AX
//              MOV             EAX, CVBEMode.max_pixel_clock[DI]
//              MOV             CVBEModeShort.max_pixel_clock[DX], EAX

                MOV     CVBEModeShort.mode_num[DX], CX
                ADD     DX, sizeof(CVBEModeShort) //next array element

//Check if width and height match
                CMP             AX, [SCREEN_WIDTH]
                JNE             @@06
                CMP             BX, [SCREEN_HEIGHT]
                JNE             @@06

//If we've made it here we have our mode
                MOV             [SYS_VBE_FINAL_MODE_NUM], CX
                JMP             @@06

@@08: //End of loop
//If there isn't a valid mode set by user through kernel config, set the mode with the biggest height.
                MOV             AX, [SYS_VBE_FINAL_MODE_NUM]
                CMP             AX, 0
                JNE             @@09
                MOV             CX, [MAX_VBE_MODE]
                MOV             [SYS_VBE_FINAL_MODE_NUM], CX

@@09:   PUSH    ES
                PUSH    DS
                POP     ES
//Get mode infomration for the mode we want
                MOV     DI, SYS_VBE_FINAL_MODE
                MOV     CX, [SYS_VBE_FINAL_MODE_NUM]
                MOV     AX, 0x4F01
                INT     0x10
                POP     ES
                CMP     AX, 0x004F
                JNE     @@10 //if called failed

//Set the mode; call takes mode number in BX
                MOV     AX, 0x4F02
                MOV     BX, CX
                INT     0x10
                CMP     AX, 0x004F
                JNE     @@10

                BTS     U32 [SYS_RUN_LEVEL], RLf_VESA

//Get pointer to 8x8 VGA ROM font.
                MOV             AX, 0x1130
                MOV             BH, 3
                INT             0x10
                MOV             AX, ES
                SHL             EAX, 16
                MOV             AX, BP
                MOV             U32 [SYS_FONT_PTR], EAX

//Get E801 memory map.
//Output: AX = Memory between 1MiB and 16MiB in KiB (max 0x3C00 == 15 MiB)
//                BX = Memory after 16MiB until first memory hole in 64KiB blocks.
                XOR             CX, CX
                XOR             DX, DX
                MOV             AX, 0xE801
                INT     0x15
                JCXZ    @@12 //if CX and DX are zero, use AX and BX instead.
                MOV             AX, CX
                MOV             BX, DX
@@12:   MOV     U16 [MEM_E801],   AX
                MOV     U16 [MEM_E801+2], BX

//Get E820 memory map.
                MOV     CX,  MEM_E820_ENTRIES_NUM - 1 //Leave one to terminate
                XOR     EBX, EBX
                PUSH    DS
                POP             ES
                MOV     DI,  MEM_E820
@@15:   PUSH    CX
                MOV     EAX, 0xE820
                MOV     ECX, sizeof(CMemE820)
                MOV     EDX, 'PAMS'
                INT     0x15
                JC              @@20
                CMP     EAX, 'PAMS'
                JNE     @@20
                TEST    EBX, EBX
                JZ              @@20
                ADD     DI,  sizeof(CMemE820)
                POP     CX
                LOOP    @@15
                SUB     SP,  2
@@20:   ADD             SP,  2 //if called failed we want to nullify the PUSHed CX value.

//Find how much space to map, start with E801 limit.
                XOR     EAX, EAX
                MOV     AX,  [MEM_E801+2]
                SHL     EAX, 16
                ADD     EAX, SYS_16MEG_AREA_LIMIT
                XOR     EDX, EDX

//Find max of E820 to set mapped space.
                MOV     SI,  MEM_E820
@@25:   MOV     CL,  CMemE820.type[SI]
                TEST    CL,  CL
                JZ              @@35
                MOV     EBX, CMemE820.base  [SI]
                MOV     ECX, CMemE820.base+4[SI]
                ADD     EBX, CMemE820.len   [SI]
                ADC     ECX, CMemE820.len+4 [SI]
                SUB     EBX, EAX
                SBB     ECX, EDX
                JC              @@30
                MOV             EAX, CMemE820.base  [SI]
                MOV             EDX, CMemE820.base+4[SI]
                ADD             EAX, CMemE820.len   [SI]
                ADC             EDX, CMemE820.len+4 [SI]
@@30:   ADD             SI,  sizeof(CMemE820)
                JMP             @@25

@@35:   MOV             [MEM_PHYSICAL_SPACE],   EAX
                MOV             [MEM_PHYSICAL_SPACE+4], EDX

//Get PCI Bus Info
                MOV             U16 [SYS_PCI_BUSES], 256
                XOR             DX, DX
                MOV             AX, 0xB101
                INT             0x1A
                CMP             DX, 'PC'
                JNE             @@40
                MOV             CH, 0
                INC             CX
                MOV             U16 [SYS_PCI_BUSES], CX
//Enable A20
                IN              AL, 0x92
                OR              AL, 2
                OUT             0x92, AL

                POP             U32 [SYS_BOOT_BLK]
                POP             U32 [SYS_BOOT_SRC]      //See BootHD, BootDVD, & BootRAM.

                XOR     EAX, EAX
                MOV     AX,  CS
                MOV     DS,  AX
                MOV     ES,  AX
                SHL     EAX, 4

                MOV             U32 [MEM_BOOT_BASE], EAX

                MOV     DX, CS
                SUB     DX, sizeof(CBinFile) / 16
#assert !(sizeof(CBinFile) & 0xF)
                MOV     GS, DX

                MOV             EDX, EAX
                ADD             EDX, U32 GS:[CBinFile.patch_table_offset]
                SUB             EDX, sizeof(CBinFile)
                MOV             U32 [SYS_BOOT_PATCH_TABLE_BASE], EDX

                ADD             U32 [GDT_BOOT_DS+2], EAX
                ADD             U32 [GDT_BOOT_CS+2], EAX
                ADD             EAX, I32 SYS_GDT
                MOV             U32 [SYS_GDT_PTR + CSysLimitBase.base], EAX
                LGDT    U32 [SYS_GDT_PTR]

                MOV             EAX, SYS_START_CR0

/* The assembler doesn't support far jumps so
we hand code it.        16-bit code is not important
enough to fully implement in the assembler.

To complete the switch to 32-bit mode, we have to load
the code segment with a far jump.
                DU8             0x66, 0xEA; //JMP CGDT.boot_cs:CORE0_32BIT_INIT
                DU32            CORE0_32BIT_INIT;
                DU16            CGDT.boot_cs;
#assert $ + 16 <= 0xFFFF