/* Graphics Not Rendered in HTML */
               PopUpPrint                                 User          ExePrint

                  PopUp                                                 ExePutS

 Core0 SystemTask  ServerCmdLine   AP ExecutiveTask       UserCmdLine

         ServerTaskCont                                UserTaskCont


         JobRunOne           JobRunOne                  ExeCmdLine      ExeCmdLine

CJob nodes are one of five types.       User applications deal with text or messages.  JobRunOne() will call a function, spawn a 
task or execute some text src code.

#define JOBT_TEXT_INPUT 0 //TaskText()          Feed StdIn
#define JOBT_MESSAGE    1 //TaskMessage()       Post message
#define JOBT_EXE_STR    2 //TaskExe()           Compile & execute src code text
#define JOBT_CALL               3 //JobQueue()          Tell MP to call function
#define JOBT_SPAWN_TASK 4 //Spawn()             Tell MP to spawn task

Several other routines include a call to JobsHandler() that gives them powerful ability to execute servant cmds.