/*$DA   is the data widget.
         -TRM flag is for var
                                width fields with a terminator
         +RD    refreshes the data.
         +UD    updates the val when you edit it.

         -P     Means it is a string var, basically.

         ,32    sets the tag string width.
                                See Data Tag Width.

         ,RT=I16 means the val is 2 bytes.
                                See DocDataFormat() and DocDataScan().

I16 i = 0;
U8  buf[8];

U0 UpdateGlobalTask(I64)
        while (TRUE)

U0 DataDemo()
        CDocEntry *doc_e;

        //This is the command line document.
        CDoc *doc = DocPut;

        //We do this to prevent access to
        //doc_e->data before it is set.
        Bool unlock = DocLock(doc);

        //You might set the DOCF_FORM flag.
        //      doc->flags|=DOCF_FORM
        //if you wish.

        Spawn(&UpdateGlobalTask, NULL, "Update Global",, Fs);

        "Enter editor overstrike mode\n"
        "and you can modify the val.\n"
        "However, changes happen immediately,\n"
        "so it's tricky.\n\n";

        //Use <CTRL-l> for the $DA...$ format.
        doc_e = DocPrint(doc, "$DA-TRM+RD+UD,RT=I16,A=\"%%7d\"$\n");

        StrCopy(buf, "Terry");
        doc_e = DocPrint(doc, "$DA-P+RD+UD,LEN=7,A=\"Str:%%s\"$\n");
        doc_e->data = buf;

        if (unlock)


//See PopUpExtents().