/*When Terry Davis was a kid with a Commodore 64,
the 6502 chip had no multiply inst
and this is how he had to do it, except,
he used more regs in this example.
asm {
//Opcodes are slightly different to make writing the x86_64 assembler easier.
//See ::/Compiler/OpCodes.DD.

//You can clobber RAX,RBX,RCX,RDX,R8,R9.        The compiler expects that.

MUL_BY_HAND_U8_U8_TO_U16: //This is only for fun.
//8bit * 8bit-->16bit
                                MOV             CL, 8
                                SHL             AX, 8
@@05:                   SHL1            AX
                                JNC             @@10
                                ADD             AL, BL
@@10:                   DEC             CL
                                JNZ             @@05

_MUL_BY_HAND_U8_U8_TO_U16::             //C callable
                                PUSH            RBP
                                MOV             RBP, RSP
                                MOV             AL,  U8 SF_ARG1[RBP] //SF_ARG1
                                MOV             BL,  U8 SF_ARG2[RBP]
                                CALL            MUL_BY_HAND_U8_U8_TO_U16
                                MOVZX           RAX, AX
                                POP             RBP
                                RET1            16

//64bit * 64bit-->128bit
                                PUSH            RBP
                                MOV             RBP, RSP
                                MOV             RBX, U64 SF_ARG3[RBP]
                                MOV             RAX, U64 SF_ARG1[RBP] //SF_ARG1
                                MUL             U64 SF_ARG2[RBP]        //Res RDX:RAX 128bit
                                MOV             U64 [RBX], RAX
                                MOV             U64 8[RBX], RDX
                                POP             RBP
                                RET1            24

//The convention is to put an underscore
//on C callable asm routines.
_extern _MUL_BY_HAND_U8_U8_TO_U16 U16 MulU8(U8 n1, U8 n2);

class U128
        U64 lo, hi;

_extern _MUL_U64_U64_TO_U128 U0 MulU64(I64 n1, I64 n2, U128 *_prod);

U0 MulByHand()
        U128 p;

        "2*7   =0x%X\n", MulU8(2, 7);
        "100*10=0x%X\n", MulU8(100, 10);

        MulU64(0x0123456789ABCDEF, 0x1000001, &p);
        "0x0123466789ABCDEF*0x1000001=0x%016X%016X\n", p.hi, p.lo;
