Create new folder System/Math/, move System/Math.ZC and System/MathODE.ZC to this new folder.
Add HolyMath files to System/Math/.
Change System/MakeSystem.ZC to #include System/Math/MakeMath.ZC.
Rename `DocDump` to `DocDumpLines`.
Rename `DocDm` to `DocDumpMem`.
Rename `DocD` to `DocDump`.
Rename `Dump` to `FileDump`.
Rename `DClus` to `ClusDump`.
Rename `DBlk` to `BlkDump`.
Rename `RawDm` to `RawDumpMem`.
Rename `RawDr` to `RawDumpRegs`.
Rename `RawD` to `RawDump`.
Rename `Dr` to `DumpRegs`.
Rename `Dm` to `DumpMem`.
Rename `D` to `Dump`.
Rename `Who` to `HashTableDump`.
Rename `Da` to `DumpAddress`.
Alter GopherDl to close TCP socket on success/failure.
Revert GopherOpen TCP timeout to default.
Change NetLog to no longer be self-focusable. (This way, window manager won't tile it like other windows.)
Fix Gopher client filename bug using filename character validation.
Increase TCP timeout in TCPConnectionCreate.
Move default AutoComplete position left a bit, just enough so that new windows' [X] button is visible.
(Gopher client from
Implement TCPSocketReceiveLine and TCPConnectionCreate.
Update HolyC --> CosmiC conversion script.
Include DNS before TCP so that DNSAddressInfoGet can be used in TCP methods.
Revert RawPutChar scrolling behaviour.
Remove all kludge MyNoise functions from Apps and Demos.
Add call to LFBFlush in SettingsPop2 to fix task-swap palette bugs.
Improve ToTheFront game explanation.
Add support for opcodes up to 8 bytes long.
Fix 0x66 prefixed opcode instruction unassembly, at the cost of losing higher-register access on prefixed instructions.
Add almost every SSE instruction.
(Only 2-arg instructions implemented. CosmiC assembler needs expanding to allow 3+ arg instructions.)
(Only <= 4 byte instructions implemented. CosmiC assembler needs expanding to allow instructions larger than 4 bytes.)
(Bugs: Unassembler incorrectly reports 0x66 prefixed opcodes, non-128-bit instruction arguments report as U128. CosmiC does not yet have support for U128.)
Fix Std Font characters.
Add links to ZealOS-specific apps in Personal Menu.
Remove all files in /Downloads.
Fix PCIRep graphics hang on bare-metal.
Fix XTalk buffer formatting in StartUpTasks, PopUpFile, PopUpRunFile, and EdCodeTools2.
Add CBGR32 to Kernel headers.
Fix Mount2 AHCI Port value not being cleared on loop.
Change ordering of PersonalMenu links.
Increase Raw mode screen scroll from 1 line to 8 to improve bare-metal performance.
Fix DriveRep reporting SATA port on non-AHCI drives.
Remove lingering references to compression from documentation.
Fix Talons incorrect millisecond variable name.
Improve Lex assert failure warning to give exact line number.
Remove some deprecated IDE functions.
Add default arg to Drive.
Fix raw-mode printing in StackRep, DriveRep, SATARep, Mount2, and CharGet.
Change LongLines cols default arg from 80 to 128.
Add arg to SATARep to specify drive types to show.
Add checks in AHCIPortInit to verify port signatures, add helper method to get signatures from port.
Fix SATARep missing AHCI controller info.
Add PCIDevFind to System/Externs.CC.
Add screen clearing with DocClear or Cls when in raw text mode.
Optimize RawPutChar.
Fix EdLite RAWF_SCROLL bug.
Update screenshots and README.
Added top & right borders to RawDr.
Improved spacing in some debug and compiler reporting.
Fixed RawPutChar and EdLite tab width.
Fixed Ui missing '0x' prefix syntax highlighter bug.
Added 32BitPaint demo.
Restructure network stack to use new Interrupt methods instead of hard-coded IRQ numbers.
Add line count update into build process.
Add progress bars to HTML generation and DoDistro.
Clear Network Log border_doc.
Fix font chars.
Clean up some lingering unconverted variable and directory names.
Remove word-wrap DolDoc tag from Clementine bible because of CPU spikes.
Fix unused var warning in OSUpgrade.
Add Who() output to main generated HTML index file.
Rename all 'inst' to 'instruction'.
Change NetLog behaviour, remove window tiling.
Change network stack to throw if no applicable driver can be loaded.
Update line counts.
Make HTML doc generation force index files to make links from subdirectories.
Added Sixto-Clementine Vulgate Bible to Misc/.
Fix User window height, patch font chars.
Remove some unneeded IDE functions.
Clean up Mount2().
Alter window border chars in Std Font, patch Aux Font.
Alter window scroll bar drawing routine.
Make System Task window smaller by default.
Implement default args for Ed and PopUpEd.
Add color to '[X]' and 'MENU' in window border top, remove both from System task and remove 'MENU' from AutoComplete task.