Rename `DocDump` to `DocDumpLines`.
Rename `DocDm` to `DocDumpMem`.
Rename `DocD` to `DocDump`.
Rename `Dump` to `FileDump`.
Rename `DClus` to `ClusDump`.
Rename `DBlk` to `BlkDump`.
Rename `RawDm` to `RawDumpMem`.
Rename `RawDr` to `RawDumpRegs`.
Rename `RawD` to `RawDump`.
Rename `Dr` to `DumpRegs`.
Rename `Dm` to `DumpMem`.
Rename `D` to `Dump`.
Rename `Who` to `HashTableDump`.
Rename `Da` to `DumpAddress`.
Alter GopherDl to close TCP socket on success/failure.
Revert GopherOpen TCP timeout to default.
Change NetLog to no longer be self-focusable. (This way, window manager won't tile it like other windows.)
Fix Gopher client filename bug using filename character validation.
Increase TCP timeout in TCPConnectionCreate.
Move default AutoComplete position left a bit, just enough so that new windows' [X] button is visible.
(Gopher client from
Implement TCPSocketReceiveLine and TCPConnectionCreate.
Update HolyC --> CosmiC conversion script.
Include DNS before TCP so that DNSAddressInfoGet can be used in TCP methods.
Added top & right borders to RawDr.
Improved spacing in some debug and compiler reporting.
Fixed RawPutChar and EdLite tab width.
Fixed Ui missing '0x' prefix syntax highlighter bug.
Added 32BitPaint demo.
Restructure network stack to use new Interrupt methods instead of hard-coded IRQ numbers.
Add line count update into build process.
Add progress bars to HTML generation and DoDistro.
Clear Network Log border_doc.
Fix font chars.
Clean up some lingering unconverted variable and directory names.
Remove word-wrap DolDoc tag from Clementine bible because of CPU spikes.
Add newlines to OS Upgrade questions.
Move PCNet interrupt #defines.
Improve E1000 PCI device loading.
Add comments in E1000 driver to sketch out dev process.
Fix unused var warning in OSUpgrade.
Add Who() output to main generated HTML index file.
Rename all 'inst' to 'instruction'.
Change NetLog behaviour, remove window tiling.
Change network stack to throw if no applicable driver can be loaded.
Update line counts.
Fix ARP not updating cached entries on ARPCachePut calls.
Fix DNS not updating cached entries on DNSCachePut calls.
Clean up repeated gross syntax in DHCPOfferParse.
Fix Host() and DNSRep IPV4 kludge, use proper switch case block based on result address family type.
Change CNetQueueEntry member variable length to packet_length.
Remove Debug statements when sockets use AF_INET6 or AF_UNSPEC, change to NetErr.
Change UDP message queues to be allocated and initialized when UDPSocket is called, instead of when binding.
Standardize filenames in Tests/ folder.
Remove old test files.
Remove outdated TODO comments.
Fix missing socket FSM state transition after binding a new connection.
Fix TCP socket send unused sent_total variable.
Integrate INADDR_ANY address handling procedure used in TCP to UDP.
Change two TCP tests into TCPEchoClient.CC and TCPEchoServer.CC, alter to make compatible with Shrine's echo tests.
Split long lines of code to multiple lines to fit better in default resolution.
Create Binary Search Tree (BST) generic data structure and methods, integrate TCP and UDP bound socket tree structures with BST system.
Fix incorrect variable name for packet data frames across stack codebase.
Split UDP and TCP into multiple files and their own folders for organization.
Update low-level Socket functions to return Bool types, for determining success/failure of state transitions.
Integrate updated Socket function return types into TCP and UDP methods.
Add NetStop() and NetStart() functions in PCNet-II code to easily halt and continue network activity.
Add NetDebug() log output function.
Update networking documentation to reflect changes, remove outdated documentation.
Implement IPV4Rep to report local, router, and subnet IPV4 addresses.
Expand UDPRep to report socket timeout and info about messages queued at the socket.
Clean up ARPRep some.
Fix NetworkToPresentation returning bad string.
Fix UDP Chat not closing bound socket.
Fix UDPSocketBind unintentional fall-through.
Add another Test for binding UDP sockets.