Set E1000 RAL/RAH regs with MAC, add to CTRL init.

This commit is contained in:
TomAwezome 2022-06-30 23:24:04 -04:00
parent 06ef549cbd
commit 9b7a335eea

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@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#define E1000_REG_TDH 0x3810
#define E1000_REG_TDT 0x3818
#define E1000_REG_MTA 0x5200 // Multicast Table Array
#define E1000_REG_RAL 0x5400 // Receive Address Low
#define E1000_REG_RAH 0x5404 // Receive Address High
#define E1000_CTRLf_LRST 3 // Link Reset
#define E1000_CTRLf_ASDE 5 // Auto-Speed Detection Enable
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@
#define E1000_CTRLF_SLU (1 << E1000_CTRLf_SLU)
#define E1000_CTRLF_ILOS (1 << E1000_CTRLf_ILOS)
#define E1000_CTRLF_VME (1 << E1000_CTRLf_VME)
#define E1000_CTRLF_PHY_RST (1 << E1000_CTRLf_PHY_RST)
#define E1000_CTRLF_PHY_RST (1 << E1000_CTRLf_PHY_RST)
#define E1000_RCTLf_EN 1
#define E1000_RCTLf_SBP 2
@ -158,6 +160,10 @@
#define E1000_IMSF_TXDLOW (1 << E1000_IMSf_TXDLOW)
#define E1000_IMSF_SRPD (1 << E1000_IMSf_SRPD)
#define E1000_RAHf_AV 31 // Address Valid
#define E1000_RAHF_AV (1 << E1000_RAHf_AV)
#define E1000_RX_BUFF_COUNT 32 // 01000101's driver uses 768 for each of these...
#define E1000_TX_BUFF_COUNT 8
@ -536,6 +542,7 @@ U0 E1000InitTX()
U0 E1000Init()
I64 i;
U32 val;
MemSet(&e1000, 0, sizeof(CE1000)); // e1000 global var will hold member data the driver uses often.
"\nE1000 driver WIP\n\n";
@ -547,27 +554,32 @@ U0 E1000Init()
e1000.mmio_address = dev.uncached_alias + e1000.pci->base[0] & ~0xF;
// Assuming card supports MMIO... lower 4 bits are hardwired zero (?)
"\nMMIO address: 0x%0X\n", e1000.mmio_address;
// init rx/tx addrs? (linux)
val = E1000MMIORead(E1000_REG_CTRL);
val |= E1000_CTRLF_SLU | E1000_CTRLF_ASDE;
val &= ~(E1000_CTRLF_LRST | E1000_CTRLF_PHY_RST | E1000_CTRLF_ILOS | E1000_CTRLF_VME);
E1000MMIOWrite(E1000_REG_CTRL, val);
// eeprom? MAC ?
// setup link? (01000101's driver)
E1000MMIOWrite(E1000_REG_CTRL, E1000MMIORead(E1000_REG_CTRL) | E1000_CTRLF_SLU);
// zero out multicast hash? (linux)
// zero out multicast table array (01000101's driver)
// zero out multicast table array
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
E1000MMIOWrite(E1000_REG_MTA + i*4, 0);
// setup link? (linux)
// clear all statistics regs after link establish attempt (linux)
// set RAL/RAH registers for MAC
MemCopy(&val, e1000.mac_address, 4);
E1000MMIOWrite(E1000_REG_RAL, val);
val = 0;
MemCopy(&val, e1000.mac_address + 4, 2);
E1000MMIOWrite(E1000_REG_RAH, val | E1000_RAHF_AV);
// enable & clear existing interupts (01000101's driver)
// set flow control registers
E1000MMIOWrite(0x28, 0x00C28001);
E1000MMIOWrite(0x2C, 0x00000100);
E1000MMIOWrite(0x30, 0x8808);
// enable & clear existing interupts
E1000MMIOWrite(E1000_REG_IMS, E1000_IMSF_LSC |
@ -580,9 +592,8 @@ U0 E1000Init()
E1000MMIORead(E1000_REG_ICR); // clear pending interrupts ?
E1000MMIORead(E1000_REG_ICR); // clear pending/spurious interrupts
// start rx tx?