<a name="l9"></a>simple than necessary. It is obnoxiously simple. If you look at this </span><a href="http://www.ariel.com.au/jokes/The_Evolution_of_a_Programmer.html"><span class=cF0>"Hello World" joke</span></a><span class=cF0>, you can see why Terry capped the line
<a name="l10"></a>count of TempleOS at 100,000.
<a name="l11"></a>
<a name="l12"></a>God said TempleOS must be perfect, so backward compatibility is not promised.
<a name="l13"></a>
<a name="l14"></a>Terry Davis wrote all 80,849 lines of TempleOS over the last 17.9 years, including the 64-bit compiler. He was a professional
<a name="l15"></a>operating system developer since 1990 when he worked on Ticketmaster's VAX OS.