<aname="l1"></a><spanclass=cF5> Sprite Edit Menu Help</span><spanclass=cF0>
<aname="l3"></a>Order of elements matters. They are executed in the order they appear in the side-bar. You can sel or unsel elements
<aname="l4"></a>graphically, or with text in the sidebar. Then, cut, copy, paste, shift or transform them.
<aname="l6"></a>You can set the current insert point element by clicking the element in the side-bar and making it RED.
<aname="l8"></a></span><spanclass=cF2>Insert Shift Suborigin</span><spanclass=cF0> is an element which shifts subsequent elements. Perhaps, you inserted a sprite's elements from the clip
<aname="l9"></a>and want to shift it around? This command is also useful if you call </span><ahref="https://tomawezome.github.io/ZealOS/System/Gr/GrSpritePlot.html#l373"><spanclass=cF4>SpriteInterpolate</span></a><spanclass=cF0>() in programs.