Every commit contains a "Zenith-latest-XXXX-XX-XX-XX-XX_XX_XX.iso" in the root of master, which is a timestamped ISO build of that commit. It might not be stable. See the "Releases" Tab for the latest stable release.
This basically a read-only repository. Everything happens inside the OS, as intended by Terry. After you've installed the latest release in a VM, you can make changes to the source. Once you've made your changes, you can make copies of the relevant files and put them into a folder, along with some kind of notes as to what you've done as a DolDoc document. You can then make a RedSea ISO file out of that folder by running `RedSeaISO("MyChanges.ISO", "/Home/Folder");`. Mount the VM hard drive in whatever OS-specific way you have to, grab the ISO, and send it my way; a pull request attachment would work fine.
In around November of 2019, I decided I wanted to continue Terry's work in a direction that would make it a viable operating system while still keeping the innovative, and frankly, divine-intellect ideas and strategies intact.
At first, I was developing exclusively inside a VM and occasionally generating ISOs as official releases. This was not a good approach, as things broke and I had no way of telling what changes caused what. So I decided to scrap that and restart from scratch.\