$WW,1$A pull-down menu appears when you move the mouse to the top of the screen. Menus are created with $LK,"MenuPush",A="MN:MenuPush"$(), $LK,"MenuFilePush",A="MN:MenuFilePush"$(), $LK,"MenuNew",A="MN:MenuNew"$() or $LK,"MenuFile",A="MN:MenuFile"$() and assigned to $FG,4$Fs->cur_menu$FG$. The format is:
The first arg is the message code and it is optional with the default being $LK,"MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN_UP",A="MN:MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN_UP"$. The second arg is the message $FG,2$arg1$FG$ value which is $LK,"ASCII",A="MN:CH_CTRLA"$ of the key in the case of $LK,"MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN",A="MN:MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN"$. The third arg is the message $FG,2$arg2$FG$ value which is the $LK,"scan_code",A="FI:::/Doc/CharOverview.DD"$$FG$ of the key in the case of $LK,"MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN",A="MN:MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN"$.