$FG,5$Scroll X Length Expression$FG$ if a value is entered, the text will scroll in an area of this width.
$FG,5$Y Offset Expression$FG$ if a value is entered, the text will be shifted vertically by this many pixs, so you can make superscripts or subscripts.
$FG,5$X Offset Expression$FG$ if a value is entered, the text will be shifted horizontally by this many pixs.
$FG,5$Tree$FG$ The item will behave like a tree widget, with this as the root.
$FG,5$Collapsed$FG$ The tree or hidden widget will begin collapsed.
$FG,5$Define Str$FG$ will substitute a $FG,2$#define$FG$ or $LK,"DefineLoad",A="MN:DefineLoad"$() string for the tag.
$FG,5$Quote$FG$ Make the res suitable for including in a program, in quotes, especially $FG,2$format$FG$ entries in class definitions.
$FG,5$X Expression$FG$ For cursor movements, the horizontal value.
$FG,5$Y Expression$FG$ For cursor movements, the vertical value.
$FG,5$PopUp$FG$ For macro's, run the macro in a PopUp window. Do this when making a macro to run a program, so it doesn't tie-up memory.
$FG,5$Escape$FG$ For macro's, send an $FG,2$<ESC>$FG$ char to exit before running the macro. Without this, the macro runs in the wrong window, usually.