$ID,2$For $FG,2$"%n"$FG$, $FG,2$"%d"$FG$ or $FG,2$"%u"$FG$, the <aux_format_num> causes thousands mode. $FG,2$"%h?n"$FG$ will pick a var exponent multiples of three unit, while $FG,2$"%h-3n"$FG$ will display milli units or $FG,2$"%h6n"$FG$ will display mega units. The $FG,2$'k'$FG$ flag is always on for $FG,2$"%n"$FG$. See $LK,"::/Demo/Print.CC"$.
$ID,2$$FG,2$"%n"$FG$ floating point in engineering notation, exponents being multiples of three. If it has a <aux_format> code, it will display scientific units letters.
$LK,"MStrPrint",A="MN:MStrPrint"$(U8 *format, ...) is like $LK,"StrPrint",A="MN:StrPrint"$(U8 *dst,U8 *format,...) but it returns a $LK,"MAlloc",A="MN:MAlloc"$ated str. It is vary handy because you don't have to worry about overflow.
$LK,"In",A="MN:In"$(U8 *format, ...) sends text to the current task's input buffer.
$LK,"InStr",A="MN:InStr"$(U8 *format, ...) sends text of an $LK,"InFile",A="FF:::/Doc/Glossary.DD,InFile"$ to the keyboard stream of the current TASK but can also do mouse cmds.
$LK,"XTalk",A="MN:XTalk"$(CTask *task, U8 *format, ...) and text to another task's input buffer.
$LK,"XTalkStr",A="MN:XTalkStr"$(CTask *task, U8 *format, ...) sends text of an $LK,"InFile",A="FF:::/Doc/Glossary.DD,InFile"$ to the keyboard stream of another TASK but can also do mouse cmds.
$LK,"DocPrint",A="MN:DocPrint"$(CDoc *doc, U8 *format, ...) sends text to a document. You can buffer to a Doc and save it, providing the functionality of $FG,2$fprintf$FG$. See $LK,"::/Demo/Disk/FPrintF.CC"$.
$LK,"Sys",A="MN:Sys"$(U8 *format, ...) sends text to the $LK,"System Task",A="FF:::/Doc/Glossary.DD,System Task"$ to be compiled and run.
$LK,"SysLog",A="MN:SysLog"$(U8 *format, ...) and $LK,"SysErr",A="MN:SysErr"$(U8 *format,...) send text to the $LK,"System Task",A="FF:::/Doc/Glossary.DD,System Task"$ to be displayed.
$LK,"PopUpPrint",A="MN:PopUpPrint"$(U8 *format, ...) compiles and execute a string in a pop-up win. Note: It returns the res of the last executed expression.
$LK,"PopUpViewPrint",A="MN:PopUpViewPrint"$(U8 *format, ...) creates a pop-up window and views text.