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import paramiko
import csv
import re
# Define credentials for different OS types
credentials = {
"stock": [("miner", "miner"), ("root", "root")],
"braiins": [("root", "root")],
"luxos": [("root", "root")],
"vnish": [("user", "password")] # Replace with correct credentials
# List of error keywords
error_keywords = [
"ERROR_POWER_LOST: power voltage rise or drop",
"_pic_write_iic failed!",
"PLL read exceeded wait time",
"ERROR_SOC_INIT: soc init failed",
"fail to read 0:1",
"fail to write 0:1"
# Regex pattern for ASIC chip errors
asic_pattern = re.compile(r"Chain\[(\d+)\]: find (\d+) asic, times \d+")
# Function to read IP addresses from a file
def read_ips(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
ips = file.readlines()
return [ip.strip() for ip in ips]
# Function to check log files for keywords and ASIC errors
def check_logs(ip, ssh_client):
logs = []
asic_errors = {}
correct_asic_count = {}
print(f"Checking logs on {ip}")
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command("find /var/log/ -type f")
log_files = stdout.readlines()
for log_file in log_files:
log_file = log_file.strip()
# Check if file should be ignored
if log_file.endswith(('tmp', 'utmp', 'btmp', 'wtmp')):
# Check if file is a binary file
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"file {log_file}")
file_type = stdout.read().decode('utf-8')
if 'text' not in file_type:
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"cat {log_file}")
log_content = stdout.read().decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
for keyword in error_keywords:
if keyword in log_content:
logs.append((log_file, keyword))
# Check for ASIC chip errors
for match in asic_pattern.finditer(log_content):
chain, asic_count = match.groups()
asic_count = int(asic_count)
if chain not in asic_errors:
asic_errors[chain] = []
# Determine the correct ASIC count for each chain
if chain not in correct_asic_count and asic_count > 0:
correct_asic_count[chain] = asic_count
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error checking logs on {ip}: {e}")
return logs, asic_errors, correct_asic_count
# Function to get worker ID
def get_worker_id(ssh_client):
print("Getting worker ID")
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command("cat /config/cgminer.conf")
config_content = stdout.read().decode('utf-8')
# Extract the worker ID from the user field
match = re.search(r'"user" *: *"[^.]*\.(\w+)"', config_content)
if match:
worker_id = match.group(1)
print("Got worker ID: ", worker_id)
worker_id = "Unknown"
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error getting worker ID: {e}")
worker_id = "Unknown"
return worker_id
# Main function to iterate over IPs and check for errors
def main():
ips = read_ips('ips.txt')
results = []
for ip in ips:
print(f"Processing IP: {ip}")
connected = False
for os_type, creds in credentials.items():
if connected:
for username, password in creds:
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
print(f"Trying {username}:{password} on {ip}")
ssh_client.connect(ip, username=username, password=password)
connected = True
worker_id = get_worker_id(ssh_client)
logs, asic_errors, correct_asic_count = check_logs(ip, ssh_client)
for log in logs:
results.append([worker_id, ip, log[0], log[1]])
# Check for ASIC chip errors and add to results
for chain, counts in asic_errors.items():
if counts.count(0) >= 3:
results.append([worker_id, ip, "ASIC Error", f"Chain {chain} has {counts.count(0)} failed checks with 0 ASICs found"])
elif chain in correct_asic_count:
expected_count = correct_asic_count[chain]
if any(count != expected_count and count > 0 for count in counts):
results.append([worker_id, ip, "ASIC Discrepancy", f"Chain {chain} has varying ASIC counts: {counts}"])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Connection failed for {ip} with {username}:{password} - {e}")
# Write results to CSV
print("Writing results to CSV")
with open('results.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(["Worker ID", "IP Address", "Log File", "Error"])
if __name__ == "__main__":